Monday, January 6, 2020


We celebrate the great Feast of the Epiphany today and with it look to the Magi, the Wise Men, who in turn point to Christ and reveal his nature in their gifts. Gold for Kingship, frankincense for divinity and myrrh for embalming and death. The Christ child is our divine king whose throne is the cross. But what of the Magi themselves?

They were astronomers who followed a star, and some argue this was a supernova, a conjunction of planets or something else again, a miraculous event. Perhaps it was all of these, but the Wise Men were more than  astral calculators, they were "wise," they looked for the truth and they found it, Incarnate, lying in a manger.

I was struck by this, from Pope Benedict XVI:

They were "wise." They represent the inner dynamic of religion toward self-transcendence, which involves a search for truth, a search for the true God and hence "philosophy" in the original sense of the word. Wisdom, then, serves to purify the message of "science": the rationality of that message does not remain at the level of intellectual knowledge, but seeks understanding in its fullness, and so raises reason to its loftiest possibilities.

Loftiest possibilities? Heaven itself and the throne of glory, all to be found in the baby lying under a star in a manger.

God bless you all,



  1. The Christ child is our divine king whose throne is the cross.

    For some reason these words struck awe into me. How true they are.

    As an Engineer and sometimes "Scientist", I have no conflicts between my training and my faith. I accept both as true, but in different ways. I feel sorry for those who those internal conflicts, because I can see the turmoil it causes in their lives.

  2. Very profound. You write here more deeply than you realise I think, perhaps more than any human can realise.

  3. Awe's the word, drjim... and I agree, why should there be a dissonance between truth and truth?

  4. Alan, de profundis.

    But to be fair, the lucid genius of Ratzinger played a part! Still, words slip and slide at the face of mystery.

    Thank God, literally, its on our side.

  5. Thanks, Kid, I thought of you when I posted it -- supernova.

  6. Alan, for "its" read "he's."

  7. Exactly, Parson. Science is the truth of things of this world. Faith, Religion, Belief, call it what you will, is the truth for things NOT of this world.

    Elementary, dear Watson.....

  8. drjim, material and immaterial truth, we mustn't discount latter.
