Saturday, December 21, 2019


Yes readers, it's that time of year again, the WINTER SOLSTICE. You heard that right, time to get down to the Stones and party down. Or not, but hey, your call.

Maybe you don't want to get down and dirty with a crew of thieving hippies in the English countryside, maybe you don't want to worship the Moon Goddess with a cocktail of cheap red wine, fake hallucinogens and Special Brew. Then again, maybe you do.

Here at the Compound we don't judge, knock yourselves out, just don't be surprised when you wake up in a ditch and your wallet's been ripped off by an unwashed emissary of Giaia.



  1. It was nice this morning when I took the dog for his walk. I like sunrises.

  2. I think I'll pass on that one. Too much lunacy to suit me.
    Unlike WSF, I couldn't enjoy the sunrise. Far too foggy.

  3. What was the Austin clown and his followers doing?

    Not that I care.

    I didn't dance naked under the moon last night, and I didn't even sleep naked. I don't think that I'd make a very good pagan. I'm with WSF, taking the dog for a walk makes more sense.

    1. I might have to revisit that story, LL. It had its moments, but the EpiscoWitch needs a rewrite...

  4. Honestly, where do these people come from. Must be looking for sex by the looks of em.

  5. For God sake do not tell them that they are in the wrong place.

  6. [rolls eyes]

    LSP, you may not judge (being full of Christian Charity and all that), but some of us are made of less holy stuff. Damn straight we judge.

  7. Dammit, Borepatch, you caught me there. Hmmmm.

    Hippies. What. Thieves.
