Friday, December 20, 2019

Welcome Home!

The Private flew in from the Army in Georgia today, where he's doing AIT at Fort Gordon. He likes the Army a lot and finds it better than being a bassist in a Scandinavian Death Metal band, awesome as that is.

On the way from the airport to an RV with fast food, the youthful defender of the nation's freedom regaled me with tales of training and poured scorn on our country's enemies in Congress. Seems like the Army's for 45, unsurprisingly.

Then, multiple dollar menu items later we fell back to Ma LSP's redoubt and the kid took a well deserved sleep. The Blue guarded.

I tell you, I'm proud of my eldest son, he's come a very long way. We'll be flying to the land of the ice and snow, Canada, on Boxing Day.

Go Army,



  1. You have every right to be proud, and so does he from the sound of it. Glad to see that he gets to spend time with you & the family for Christmas.
    Have a Blessed Christmas.

  2. Thanks, Brig. And same to you!

  3. He is, WSF. Well done, boy!

    He's smart and works out on base as well as the usual PT...

  4. Not many things beat Scandinavian Death Metal. Well done to the young man.

  5. Looks like the army suits him. I bet he's glad to get away from messhall chow though.

  6. Oh my - he looks so much like his daddy. Lucky him! Nice to have him home for Christmas.

  7. Well done to father and son!

    Good to hear our military supports our President.

  8. He makes you look short.

  9. Thanks, Borepatch. He's done well so far, quite a thing. And yes, SDM raises the bar pretty high...

  10. It really is, Adrienne, and it's been a bit of a "journey," but the Army agrees with him thank God.

    I think he has my face, pretty much, but with his Uncle's ears. Odd how that goes. The younger one's different again.

  11. Thanks, drjim, I appreciate that and so does the erstwhile Cadet.

    And for sure, his crew are all for 45.

  12. Anon, I know! Of course he's a sensible 6.3++ to my 5.9. Short legs, you see.

  13. Congratulations. And justifiably proud of your son!

    But Death metal? My nephew is a drummer for a death metal band in Georgia.

    Kids and their wacky music! Why in my day we listened to classical music. And by classical I of course mean The Who and Led Zep.
