Thursday, December 12, 2019

Vulture Capitalist Scum

Ever wondered why rural America is pretty much a wiped out, dystopian catastrophe? Check out Tucker, who nails it, imo.

And this is for you, leftists. 45's at least saying he's going to sort this out by bringing jobs and industry back to the country, and so improve the lot of everyday citizens. 

Your compelling recipe, on the other hand, is this. Force every school in the land to have transgender toilets and free puberty blockers. And lest we forget, bye-bye statues of General Lee.

That's as risible as it's pathetic. Don't think the nation's fooled.

MAGA 2020,



  1. Not on topic with your blog post, but it appears that BREXIT will happen and that the people of the UK would prefer a most favored nation trade deal with the US than to be anchored to old Europe with all of its myriad of unsolvable problems. Well done, OKUK

  2. It has to start with education.

  3. Interesting video. I used to enjoy Cabela's, especially their gun library. I often found interesting firearms and they would usually come down on the price when asked. That changed after the Bass Pro buyout and now I won't set foot in either store. The son of a friend used to work in the Sydney office of Cabela's. He loved it there. They helped him with his move and even found employment for his wife. After the buyout it wasn't long before he took a job with Hornady. That video spelled out why this happened and reinforced my decision to never set foot in either store.

  4. As far as I know, Costco still operates with it's number one priority the stock holders, number two the employees. They have always paid way more than anyone else and have treated their employees with respect. They don't operate like any other company I ever worked for. And, I don't think anyone can call them unsuccessful. During my years there I always wondered why the founder, Jim Sinegal, voted and supported dems.

  5. We have a Cabela's spitting distance away and I've never stepped foot in the place. I have witnessed many, many comments from people who no longer shop there though.

    The story about Sydney is very sad, but it points up to not putting all one's eggs in the that one proverbial basket - in particular considering the way most companies operate today.

  6. Good video, and flyover country DOES vote. They seem to have forgotten that...

  7. "free puberty blockers"

    I had lunch with a colleague recently. She has a little boy in first grade. She scrimps and suffers to live in a city with well-funded public schools, one of which her son attends. Colleague reports that the first graders are routinely taught about LGBTQ issues (i.e. part of the official curriculum, many hours across multiple days). The teacher specifically said to her son, "You can be a girl if you want to be. All you have to do is take some medicine."

    Also, the school has catered lunches for children with "two mommies" or "two daddies". Children of straight couples (or single parents) are expressly UN-invited. These are VERY nice lunches, which (shockingly) are attractive to the other children, and the source of considerable envy. Some of the first graders have been heard to express regret that they have a mommy and a daddy, because they're missing out on all the "treats".

    How is this not manipulative and evil?

  8. LL, that's worth a post for sure and yes, a bipartite pact between the UK/US will be a powerful thing. Far better than living as a satrap of Brussels and Berlin, so let's see it happen.

    By the same token, let's see what Johnson achieves in terms of trade independence from the 4th Reich in the next year. It'd better be good or he'll lose all those disenfranchised miners and former steel workers in the North.

    In the meanwhile, a great result for sovereignty and a pike in the eye to the Unicorn.

  9. Kid, the cultural Marxists took over our schools and, shamefully, we let them. That's gotta change.

  10. Jim, I'm totally with you on that. Boycott the phony, evil, mass-produced outdoors industry.

  11. Adrienne, I liked Tucker's point about the "robber barons." At least they gestured in the direction of the people. Even, remarkably, HT Ford. Singer et al? Hardly.

    But yes, don't put your eggs in one basket. For us, here in Hill County, TX, it was all about cotton. Then it wasn't and the area hollowed out making some people very rich and others far less so. Point being, temper profit with humanity and patriotism, not least local. Perhaps something like that saved the English aristocracy in the 18/19th centuries. They were on the land and had to look after their tenants, as opposed to living in Versailles.

    Whatever, the ruling elite who've sold the people down the river shouldn't be surprised when those same people don't vote for them.

    MAGA 2020 and make it a landslide.

  12. Well said, NFO. They've weirdly missed that important point.

  13. Mike, that's HORRIFIC and all too believable.

    If you want an unpleasant evening's reading, research the money. What companies producing those drugs donate to what politicians/parties.

    Heinous, evil, and sick.

  14. I don't use either these days, WSF. Just for a start, I hate the massive fakery of the outdoors industry, it goes against the nature of the thing. And it seems their owners are evil people like Singer, who's about as "in the field" as the nearest stock market ticker.

