Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Olympia Trans Awesome

Do you remember a time when the Left was supposedly about helping the "working man"? You know, people in low paying jobs. Not any more; move over, proles, it's tranny time. Freedom or what. And bear in mind these people are protesting a trans event held by the city.

Scheming antics of the genderless, transnational globalist elite, risible identity politics, Illuminati Hivemind aside, I'm most in favor of The Royal Majesty,  being a Monarchist. But perhaps you have a different preference?

Thanks for the tip, GWB.

Over the rainbow,



  1. When I ran car sales crews, I didn't concern myself with anything other than, "Can you get the job done?" One exception, you will not make other crew members uncomfortable with your personal preferences, political, sexual, religion, or lifestyle. These, "Hey look at me, I'm special and you must applaud my choices" irritate me. On a personal level, I don't tolerate fools.

    As to how they will answer to their maker, that isn't my call.

  2. WSF, one of the things that gets me is that trannys and drag queens, a tiny percentage of the population, have somehow become synonymous with civil rights and the common good. Excuse me? How could this be other than through the Frankfort School and associated friends.

    Viz. Judgement, yes indeed.

  3. Why is the one in the video wearing a mop on his head?

  4. Tranny tyrants are nothing new.

  5. The Democrats stopped caring about the working man a long time ago. The current group of freaks and misfits don't represent America or American values. It's interesting to see support among black voters shift toward President Trump.

  6. It is the same as the Gay scam. For years the Gay crowd claimed that 10% of the population were Gay. Then the 2011 UK Census revealed that 1.1% identify as Gay. Unhappy with the result the Gay Community rebranded themselves as LBGT in order to claim bisexuals, other and no response to be included as 'LBGT' so that they now claim 2.7% of population are LGBT. No apology for years of lying just change the metrics and carry on campaigning - the Pink Pound doesn't grow on trees.

    Transsexuals activists claim 0.1% of UK population are Transsexuals This is clearly nonsense, it would require 1 in 1000 of population being Transsexuals and this is blatantly not true.

  7. 50 million brain cells died in the watching of that video - and I don't have many to spare. We need to return to locking up these freaks or at least ignoring them as being "eccentric."

  8. Adrienne, I apologize, the info-video's cruel and unusual punishment. Mind you, watch to the end again and ask yourself if The Royal Majesty, ahem, is trying not to laugh...

  9. Well sid, Anon, that Pink Pound's not gonna grow itself. And good stats -- the 0.1% is ridiculous and yet another lie.

    Lest we forget, Baphomet's trans and the Devil's the Father of Lies.

  10. LL, that's a very encouraging trend and let's hope it continues. After all, look at the wreckage caused by the Dems to that demographic. Detroit and Baltimore to name just two of many. Maybe people are starting to wake up.

  11. But Nightwind, that'd be The Royal Majesty! Watch again and see if TRM isn't on the verge of laughter, which he should be given the mop and his ridiculous script.

  12. Now we know why defecrats closed the asylums.
