Saturday, December 7, 2019


"What do you think of NATO?" The hippy paused over his lathe, "Tell me what it is and maybe I'll join." Ha ha. But seriously, what's the point of the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization now that we're in the 70th year of its existence.

To defend against the armored Soviet horde rolling into Europe and enforcing socialism? To stop sinister Bolshevik radicals from Moscow banning Christianity and replacing the time-hallowed customs, the foundational mores of the West with a godless utopia replete with gulags?

Hardly, that threat died some time ago. Russia has the GDP of the great state of Texas and you can argue Soviet armor didn't have to roll into Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy to achieve the desired result. Put simply, the commies won without a shot and cultural Marxism waxes strong in what was once the heartland of Christendom.

The "bourgeois claptrap" of the family? Pretty much ended. Atheism? Ascendant. Forced redistribution of wealth? Tick. Art and architecture debased to reflect a new outlook, humanity freed from the oppressive constraints of beauty, truth and goodness. Double tick. And on.

Point being, why should America, still a predominately Christian country, spend a dime to defend these ironically led by billionaires, socialist countries in Europe. Why, what's the threat, that a Russian battlegroup will steam into Germany and tell everyone that there's two sexes, governed by biology?

Or who knows, that evil Putin-sponsored cyber spies will infect everyone's Facebook accounts to the point where we think countries should have borders and maybe, just maybe we should go to church and worship God?

Quelle unbelievable, awful horror.

Imagine, a Russian Shock Army charges across the start line and what's to stop it, the 1st Transgenders Macronne Green? And so what. Why should we pay a single cent to defend these commies that hate us?

Far better, surely, to concentrate on the real threat which is China or do we see ourselves as an occupying army? Serious question.

Your Friend,



  1. China is the real threat imo.

    NATO - Don't know if it started out this way but I'm thinking it only exists to serve the military industrial complex profit machine. The obscene profit machine. Like the drug company and medical industry profit machine, probably run by the Mafia.

    God Bless and Keep Safe DJ Trump.

  2. PS - Nice to see Macron's mommy/wife upset. I hope they're all upset 24/7.

  3. Kid, agreement on all counts. La Trolle Brigitte's hardly a good figurehead for the Alliance, eh?

  4. The history of Europe is one of constant conflict. They can't get along with each other. NATO keeps the little shits from each other's throats and prevents us from getting sucked into their bullshit again, as we have had happen twice. Just my opinion.

    1. Well said, WSF. Does that mean we're equivalent to a benign but nonetheless occupying army?

      Part of me, the wicked part, would like to see us take them over. Heck, if we're going to be an emprire, let's be an Empire, dammit.

      The other part of me urges caution and says, well done Mr. President, get 'em to cough up.

  5. You're a smart guy LSP ! Ha !

  6. how'd you like to wake to that hag every morning, yipps

    read a synopsis a long while back, look at the leaders of Europe, Macron childless, Merkle childless, May was childless,

    compare to Victor Orban 5 children, Trump 5, Boris Johnson 4, Putin 3

    look at the difference in how they govern, their outlook, the childless do not seem to see a future, the family men want to see a secure and prosperous future for their posterity, see the results in this search

    what the world needs is more family Men in charge, not childless wimps and biddies with NO skin in the game, all they see is government dependency because it's all THEY have to look forward to themselves.

    Especially calls to mind buttplug, or whatever his name is, NO NO NOOOO

    1. Egyptian, I'd imagine Trolle Brigitte looked better to the Rothschild protege when he was 15... that said, as ye sow so shall ye reap.

      Excellent children point. Hadn't thought of that, may have to quote you.

  7. It's time to pay up or GTFO... And Trump is pushing them to pony up, NOT what they expected... LOL

  8. We need to defend ourselves from ourselves.
    With China and North Korea right at the top.

  9. No hippie I know has a lathe. Maybe you meant "latte"?

  10. as a farmer I can tell you that when you sow barren ground the yield is nill

  11. Are the ChiComs an existential threat, Linda? Ask asset-stripped America and the profiteer traitors who signed off on it...

  12. Dammit, Raven, you caught me out. The friend in question was more biker than hippy; we were working in a machine shop. There were no pumpkin spice lattes.
