Monday, December 2, 2019

Melania Mondays!

Melania Mondays are back and they're back in force, with America's popular and glamorous First Lady decorating the White House for Christmas.

Melania Loves Christmas

Elegant as ever, Melania put finishing touches on the Christmas decorations, which she entitled "Spirit of America" on social media:

The Spirit of America is shining in the @WhiteHouse! I am delighted to share this beautiful exhibit of patriotism for all to see, and excited for everyone to experience the beauty of the #Christmas season!

 Obama's Hated Mao Balls

Melania's Spirit of America stands out in stunning contrast to the Obama's turgid, tasteless, traitorous and ugly Christmas tree ornaments, which mocked America and Christmas with images of the infamous mass killer Communist, Mao Tse Tung.

Melania's Beautiful, Patriotic Ornaments

As one noted commentator put it, "Patriotism and Christ have returned to the White House." And not before time.

Best First Lady Ever

Thank you Melania, for doing your part to make America great again.

MAGA 2020,



  1. She's so much more refined and elegant than the Wookie. There's simply no comparison.

  2. I think it looks great, Brig! Uplifting, eh?

  3. SiG, I totally agree and esp like the AR/Narwhal mod over at your place. I clearly need to link...

    All that in mind, we had a president figure who put Mao decs up on his Christmas tree. Just outrageous. I'll stop now before I get carried away.

  4. A class act in every way. Good taste, too.
