Saturday, December 28, 2019

Boxing Day And On To Canada

Christmas day was great, feasting and fun with friends and family, then it was Boxing Day. I strolled over to a diner with the Private for a late and large portioned breakfast, tasty.  And after a well needed re-org we headed to the airport, objective? The Land of The Ice And Snow, aka Canada.

As everyone knows, flying's pretty miserable but our flight worked out well thanks to not one but two upgrades on account of the Private being active military traveling with orders. Good work AA, USO didn't hurt either.

So we ended up in the first two seats of the plane with a bizarre amount of legroom, comp drinks in real glasses, a meal with metal cutlery and all laid on, thank you very much. A bit like flying in the olden days and I tell you, it made the trip to Calgary most congenial.

And there we were, as if faster than you could say Justine Blackface Beta Socks Trudeau, landed at YYC. 

It was good to be back in the Great White North; I like Canada and I especially like Calgary. Stay tuned as this snowy mountain town adventure unfolds.

Merry Christmas,



  1. Calgary Stampede! Yay!

    Do you have any idea of how close you are to moi? Just a mere 7 hours by car. So close, and yet so far. Sigh!

    And the last picture is what?

  2. The Canadian forces may try to conscript (press gang) the Private. Keep a close eye on him or he could be on a tuna schooner headed for Shanghai before you know it.

  3. What a great way to start your journey. Have a good time and please keep us posted.

  4. Back in the mid 70's I was invited on a bear hunting trip to Cochrane, Ontario - as far North as one could travel by road then, by my then girlfriend's parents. Of course we denied having firearms when crossing the border. Girl and I spent some very pleasant time in the wild there. One day we watched a gaggle of Beaver build a dam on large stream. They spent a bit of time slapping the water with their tails but eventually got used to us and went about their business. We went back the next day and were impressed with the number of trees they felled for their damn in just 24 hours.

    One day, I set out by myself, and lying face up in an open area propped up on my elbows, a female Partridge and her 5 young ones strolled toward me. She walked up onto my chest and put her face right close to mine (enough to plant a kiss if she wanted but didn't) stared into my eyes, then continued on. Each of her offspring did exactly the same thing, one by one. I didn't move the whole time. It was a moment of discovery for them no doubt. We all enjoyed it.

  5. @LL
    tuna schooner headed for Shanghai


  6. Great that you have this time with your son.

  7. About 20 years ago, we flew out of Calgary very early, so stopped at a little donut shop, (not Tim's). Seemed to be run by a Korean family, and we were the only ones there , so the owner came to our table to talk, (in his heavy accent). Told him we were returning home to the USA, and he just assumed we were from Texas; the only state he knew by name. He mentioned the Stampede, and he just seemed to think all Americans are from TX. No wonder he wanted to talk with us.

  8. Glad you had such a great, safe flight!

  9. Calgary's a nice town and I'd like to get up there sometime if nothing more than to see a guy I know. He's an entertainer, a trick roper and comic, and he works the Stampede every year. Nice to see upgrades happen to active military now. All I ever got was standby.

  10. A belated Merry Christmas to you, LSP!

  11. Enjoy the trip, and you can KEEP all that white stuff... :-)

  12. So close, Adrienne!

    The last pic's the garage/backyard of the Calgary homestead. It's a neat place because it's so close to downtown, walking distance.

  13. A real blessing, WSF, and with the youngest too. He's a good kid.

  14. Right on, Anon, and I enjoy the Stampede. Of course there used to be lots more of the same, I think Dallas had one, for example. But there it is, I like Calgary.

  15. Thanks, Linda! It was weirdly pleasant.

  16. Jim, what a great deal, thanks, AA.

  17. Thanks, NFO. I find the snow exciting after Texas. If I had to live with it? Different story, I know this.
