Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Meet The Social Justice Puppies!

Why? Because awesome. Thanks, GWB.

Your Pal,



  1. OMGosh! I want to take everyone of those poor sad puppies home, crush them to my chest, and soothe their little ids. I want them to be "furry and proud!"

  2. A Word to the SJW's

    - Get a Job !
    - Grow Up ! One day you may have a bigger problem than being offended. In fact, there is no doubt that you will.
    - Learn How to Drive !!!
    - There are THREE Genders, male, female, hermaphrodite !
    - There is No Climate Problem, worry about the first three on this list !
    - You were not educated, you were indoctrinated !
    - PC and multiculturalism is a Culture Destroyer. You don't want Conservatives controlling anything wait until the moslem vermin take over after they breed you out then control Everything.
    - Equality is a destructive concept.
    - Diversity is a destructive concept.
    - Exceptionalism is Progress, screw the dummies, we'll always need people who do hard labor.

    Lots more, but Alright, I'll be happy with the first three.............

  3. Such adorable puppies, Adrienne!

  4. LL, have those poor puppies gone to Harvard?

  5. But Kid, how did those puppies become Cultural Marxists?!? Surely it's the owners' fault.

  6. The one thing SJW learn well is florid verbiage to deflect attention from their lack of backbone and willingness to accept responsibility.

    1. WSF, something's rotten in the state of academe...
