Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Clinton Foundation Loses Big

Recent tax records show the Clinton Foundation operating at a combined loss of almost $33 million for two years running, 2017 and 2018. That's because contributions to the, ahem, charity plummeted when Hillary was destroyed at the polls by Trump in 2016, dropping from a massive $300 million when she was Secretary of State to a risible $30.7 million in 2018.

Here's a helpful infographic for the visually inclined:

What a disaster and a sad contrast to the whopping $1.1 billion in revenue pulled in by the Clinton Foundation during the Obama presidency. Why the loss, could it be that in the absence of play no one's prepared to pay?

The Clinton Foundation's famous for philanthropy in Haiti and its close friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who didn't commit suicide because everyone chokes themselves until their neck bones break.

That aside, we have to ask. In the face of devastating financial loss, will Hillary return to the polls in a crazed bid to set the balance sheet right?

We can but hope,



  1. She needs spending money, after all. 😐

    1. Linda, losing the White House must've been a bitter blow. Pricey too, obviously.

  2. Those filthy maggots belong in gaol.

    1. They really do, Adrienne. Did you notice the HARRIDAN's failed purple makeover? Infernal.

  3. The graph resembles a recumbent witch.

  4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6CTlH0Jlz5w

  5. She claims that she and Bill were "dead broke" when they left the White House at the end of Bill's second term. Just imagine how broke the country would be if she were the President.

  6. Quid Pro Quo

    Hillary used her job as Secretary of State as an excuse to travel the globe at taxpayer expense and shake down foreign governments for money that flowed into the Clinton Global Initiative. There was a promise that underpinned it all - if you do this for me, I will do that for you when I become president.

    And in that time, she was pre-anointed by the press to be the next president.

    And then along came Donald Trump. And ruined it all.

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqF4pUumWpw

  8. Dr., I LOVE that video. And was going to post it...

  9. WSF, have we always been this corrupt or has the situation escalated? My feeling, and it's just that, is that the tempo's increased.

  10. They never thought she'd lose, LL. Imagine their shock, not least to the pocket book. But I'd be surprised if some of those donors didn't want a refund.

  11. Powerful video, Anon. My take away was "when the army switched sides."

  12. Careful. For reporting this you might be put on Hillary's assassination list.

  13. Infidel, I know, and nearly didn't post. But I did! I sleep with a loaded Glock, obvs.
