Tuesday, October 29, 2019

War Dogs

War dogs. They were used in Antiquity to strike fear into the enemy and they're used today, witness the raid on Al Baghdadi's compound. Speaking of which, one of the few readers of this out of the way mind blog sent in a photo of his son's dog, see above. 

Pathetic President Figure Led By Poodle

They travel with their handlers muzzled in case they sense an enemy and attack, with ferocious result. For example, war dogs were always muzzled in the presence of  Barack Hussein Obama.

Shadow Wolf

Here at the Compound we're fortunate to have a war dog too, Blue Destroyer. He's a Blue Heeler rescue dog and getting on in years but he's fierce to the bone, especially in the face of UPS drivers, squirrels, and rural potheads. Seriously, he can't stand the latter and goes into growling fighting defense mode when they get through the perimeter.


I don't muzzle him but I do worry when I park him at the Pick 'n Steal on his morning walk as I get my coffee. Will someone be cornered, whimpering and screaming as I leave the filling station? Hasn't happened for a couple of years, thank God.

That's all for now, spare a thought and a prayer for our brave canine warriors and their fellow soldiers.

God bless,



  1. Bruce Banner, the Lab mix now in his third day with me, hasn't shown any signs of aggression.
    He has already won over all the ladies who live here. That may have some unexpected interactions in the future. Love my dog, ...............

  2. That caption Pathetic President Figure Led By Poodle almost made me spew my morning coffee! Should have posted a spew alert with that one.

  3. Yep, kudos to those who serve, whether two legged or four legged...

  4. Honestly, One barry soetoro - score 37 at bowling, 1 basket out of 54 attempts? Can't play golf - this I will tell you- no way that swing is successful. America's enemy # 1. Moslem Vermin. No economic growth. No employment growth. DOUBLED the national debt and spent 18 Trillion on Nothing. And the idiots STILL love this POS. America is not in the recovery phase.

  5. Congrats on the new dog, WSF, perhaps a pack in the making?

  6. Linda, I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of either!

  7. Sorry, AOW, it's a curiously powerful infographic, eh?

  8. Kid, I never saw the appeal, I have to say. And he was supposed to be this "great speaker," I didn't get that either. What a stilted phony.

  9. Juliette, maybe your wolf needs to meet ANNA SOUBRY?
