Monday, October 7, 2019


Texans rejoiced today. Why? Because clouds rolled in from the West and brought a cold front. Yes, you heard that right, a cold front, it even rained a bit. So? You ask from shivering Calgary or rain-soaked Aberystwyth. So a lot, my friends, a break from unrelenting 100* weather.

That probably sounds nice to you if you're in, say, Nottingham and looking at the repellent Anna Soubry as rain falls upon her traitorous visage. But no, it's not nice, it's like living in an oven, a kind of purgatory. That in mind, our Old Enemy the Weather broke last night, and in blew cool air. Like HVAC but free and better.

I set up on Ma LSP's back deck in Dallas, in the beautiful cool of an Edenlike morning, and finished an overdue "Leader." It's easier to type when your opposition, the Climate, isn't trying to kill you. Unlike an Attack Squirrel who ferociously challenged me from the Pecans.

And there you have it, Texans rejoice as the heat dies down. In other news, Operation Boomerang's in full swing inside the Beltway and pundits are betting on a Hillary v. Michelle 2020 Primary Face-Off. Terrifying prospect.

Your Pal,



  1. If you'd have been paying a heftier weather tax, you wouldn't have had to suffer so. When will you learn to show proper homage to your progressive betters?

    And what of the cadet at Ft. Benning? How is he managing to cope?

  2. Whoa - 69° with 48% humidity at 10:00 am. That must feel like heaven!

  3. I might also mention as a former dance instructor that picture gives credence to "people marching to the beat of a different drummer."

  4. I’ll have you know we’ve had 2 whole days without rain! Aberystwyth however...
    And you’re right, Anna Soubry causes enough tears and despondency that you might think it’s raining when it’s not. Glad you have some cool, brisk air - Texas heat can wear you down.

  5. How about a hildebeast/michelle ticket.

  6. Give me 100 degrees in the shade any day. On January 29, 2019 (earlier this year), I looked at the thermometer on my back deck when I got up: minus 31 degrees Fahrenheit.

    My thermometer only had calibrations down to -30, but the mercury was about one increment below the lowest mark, so I am guessing after that point.

    Yes, 100 degrees won't kill you if you find a shade tree. There is no hiding, shade tree or no, from -31 degrees, it'll kill you faster than a muslim can dispatch an infidel.

  7. Adrienne! DANCE INSTRUCTOR. If only we'd met those many years ago..........

  8. Juliette, you've got to boot that old trough merchant out of office. I'm surprised Nottingham hasn't risen up. But I'm glad you've had some respite from the rain, please send some our way. Been hot as Hell and then some.

  9. Thanks for asking, LL. He seems to be doing well and they've made him a "Squad Leader," which is good. His letters are very warlike! Also good, martial spirit.

  10. Adrienne, it was bliss. Then there's the "two steppers." For some reason that makes me think of the appalling Beto, dunno why.

  11. Kid, a Crone/Mooch ticket... ye Gods.

    I could see Mitchel swooping in outta leftfield and the Crone's hubris is unrelenting. So.

  12. Fredd, I know what you mean and lived in Calgary through a couple of winters. You have to ask, how did the pioneers/settlers do it? Obviously Europe wasn't cutting it.

    Some say the lowest pit of Hell is frozen, but lots of it's hot too.

    But not to worry, when Hillary's finally President our weather will be perfect because increased tax will cool the Sun.
