Thursday, October 24, 2019

Just Strollin'.

Some things you take for granted, like walking the dog to the nearest Pick 'n Steal, then boom, disaster falls, you've got three screws in your upper femur and you can't walk. All of a sudden you start to appreciate simple things, like putting one foot in front of the other. That in mind, I took Blue Eschaton for a walk today, the first since a crazy Arab kicked me off her back.

The Meth Shack

We strolled through the bucolic avenues of this rural Texan haven via the Meth Shack, and it's doing well with seasonal decorations and a fearsome clown dressed in a camo onesie. Not be trifled with.

Note Water Offering

I waved at a couple of Shackers, who seemed a little bit worse for wear after a hard night on the meth, then ambled over to the Shamrock. The Shamrock's an Irish filling station, owned by Nepalese and staffed by Mexicans, right here in North Central Texas. Benefits of multiculturalism aside, they have good coffee and I got a "refill" while Blue Guard sat outside, it's a ritual. Then we headed for home under an increasingly glowering Lone Star sky.

Mission Accomplished

Back at the Compound it was all well done, mission accomplished! and it felt good to do something so simple as go out with the Blue again. Result. In other exciting news, the Cadet's on his last stretch of Basic, Blue Phase, and he's done well so far. 

How Lovely

Still, he has to pass a final APFT (fitness test) and a field exercise to graduate on schedule. I don't anticipate a fail in either but hey, accidents and all else besides... so fingers crossed. 

Your Finally Walking Pal,



  1. Yay! Glad you were able to get out and walk, Parson.

    I'm sure the cadet will sail through, but I will say a prayer, too.

  2. Tales of the Meth Shack return! So excited, and the right season for it too! An utterly terrifying clown; even more terrifying than a normal clown. And I understand the jumper cables wrapped around the porch rail and even the dangling crucifix. But *what is up* with the dream catcher on the mail box and Orson Welles' rosebud? Continuing details please. (btw, there seems to be an eviction notice on 'Sis's House', so I'm worried; we hang on all developments pertaining to The Shack.)

    Glad you got to walk Blue New Deal.

  3. Blue Biter guards the Pick-n-Steal in case the UPS driver should show up. He's on guard.

    Best wishes for the Cadet.

  4. Good stuff. Yea, that sure looks like a meth house.

  5. I see that both sections of the meth shack have their DirecTV satellite dishes, and at $114/mo for a subscription per dish, this meth shack must have employed shackers as residents, since $228/month is a real serious nut to service.

    Now, how meth addicts hold down jobs, you got me there.

  6. @Fredd - I thought the same thing, Fredd.

    Clearly the milk carton is there for him to pee in when the urge arises.

    So nice for you to be walking somewhat well again. Blue Escort is probably very happy too.

    The Cadet will be fine - he takes after his daddy.

  7. Thanks for the prayers, Linda, and it was good to walk out!

  8. GL, the Shack's most definitely an ongoing saga and I'll report the news as it comes in. The dream catcher's just a bit of cheap meth magic and the tacky little sled? Don't know, probably a bit of random trash they found and added to the stack.

    Scary clown, eh?

  9. Thanks, LL, I should know the lay of the land by Monday. So we'll see, he should do well but if there's a glitch, don't give up kid.

    UPS kept a sensibly wide berth.

  10. Kid, that's exactly what it is.

  11. Ah, Fredd, you're right on the money but what happens when you don't pay your bill because you've blown all your cash on meth? No more service, that's for sure, and a collection agency, but the dishes remain. Ornaments and nothing more, on the Shack.

    I'l wager that's the case here.

  12. I was thinking that about the container too, Adrienne. Mind you, it could some kind of offering, "Here, buddy, you might need this when you get thirsty."

  13. Parson, that No Smoking notice on the door queued me to wonder if it is a meth lab also.

  14. Great to hear your mobility is returning. Since the wife is out-of-town I've been walking our dog daily, weather permitting. Walking through our neighborhood is entirely different than driving through it. It's nice to notice things that pass by too quickly behind the wheel.

  15. Ah, mystery solved, Padre. Dead broke shackers, no jobs, just shattered lives and non-operational satellite dishes.

    Life goes on in Shack-ville. Such as it is...

  16. Kid, you've just made a very good point and it's topical. A rodeo star not too far from here set up a meth lab WAREHOUSE, at least it seemed that big. I know, because I used to drive by it on the way to Mass.

    Then kappow, the whole thing exploded, incinerating the rodeo star and several buddies. Don't mess with meth, eh?

  17. Thanks, drjim. I always try to walk about though it seems harder here than in England. Part of that's down to towns in the Old Country being built before cars and to a human scale. Still, this little place is in the same time frame and you can walk it. Until you break your leg... good to be getting back to normal.

    Next step? Shooting and fishing.

  18. Yay! Glad to see you ambulatory, and with your four footed pal.

  19. Borepatch, it's been a bit of a deal but back on my feet again, thank God.
