Saturday, October 12, 2019

Have We Devolved?

Such was America in 1962, via Borepatch. Ha, ha, but pretty much innocent and edifying with it. You can imagine the Bolshevik  revolutionaries at Columbia U snarling at the bourgeois excrescence of it all, and their seething hatred of mainstream America, an America which stood between them and a Marxist Utopia.

Flash forward to today.

Haven't we devolved. And look how the radical Left has shifted their gaze from the working class, which they've sold out to China and to, yes, trannies.

Here at the Compound we argue that if you can't see through this BS you're seriously blind.




  1. Absolutely. I think 340 million people should bow down and surrender to 10,000 freaks of nature. Our lives and beliefs should be sacrificed and wiped out and every person who has lived that understood they were undeniably either a man or a woman should beat their heads with a hammer until they are dead. D E A D. Only then can the hildebeast with a fake indian or mexican at its side rule the world and steal ALL the money.

  2. As a young man I had a jet black Mohican, dressed entirely in black and wore eye liner. Wiser people advised against my enthusiastic adoption of Punk Rock. Others took exception to my hair style, dress sense and general demeanor. I got hassle from the Police, authorities and members of the general public, pubs would not serve me or I get threatened by the locals. I was for ever being treated with hostility and suspicion. Yet I never complained. I dressed to provoke, I lived to provoke and I acted to provoke. I was an idiot. I learned a lot. These people are doing the same thing, the difference is I grew out of it 30-years-ago and their still going full steam ahead provoking, provoking and provoking. I can tell you from experience you can push it so far and then someone head butts you. A broken nose is never a good look for a man dressed as a woman.

  3. Of course we have devolved, Padre. Only a mere 50 years ago, school children could scarcely shoot a spit ball or flick a paper plane in class and there would be holy hell to pay by those insolent souls.

    Now school kids beat their teachers with brass knuckles daily, and hardly nobody notices. Well, maybe the bloodied teacher, but nobody else.

  4. PS, out shopping yesterday and every time I'm out in public I notice that the general public is more and more of a Freak Show, and I'm not in San Franfreakshow, I'm in Cincinnati.

    Yes, I think back to the 1960's when everyone was either normal or behind the baseboards and long for those days again. But you can never go home again eh?

  5. One dare not question the path that our Marxist Frankfort School professors has led our youth on, it is an act of the "HuWhite Supremes"! Even journalists who align with the left are labeled as such for daring to speak above a whisper when speaking in condemnation of it.

  6. We all walk a path. accept people as they are but will not let anyone force me into their path. Tat includes making their path easier.

  7. Kid, it's weird how America turned completely trans overnight. And yes, the CRONE must have ALL the money. But whatever happened to Huma?

  8. That's a very good point, Fredd, the left made a great job of the schools so now only people with lots of cash can get their kids educated. Good work, commies.

  9. Anon, I laughed! And yes, I was an idiot too...

  10. Freakshow? Dam right, Kid. My local country Walmart looks like its a set from Pirates of the Caribbean. Huh.

  11. Dr. Swankenstein, report yourself immediately!

  12. WSF, I think Americans are a pretty tolerant crew but the Rainbow Unicorn's got right outta hand.
