Friday, October 18, 2019

Feast of St. Luke

You're probably finding it hard to tear your eyes away from the revolt in Spain, Brexit in England and here in the US, the Star Chamber of Secrecy which is working desperately behind closed doors to destroy the President and overthrow an election. 

Why the Star Chamber furore? Because 45's a Ukrainian Crime Lord, apparently, unlike say, the Bidens or Nancy Pelosi's son. All this to say nothing of ongoing unrest in Hong Kong where you'll see more US flags than at any Democrat debate, cubed. Seriously, do these people hate our country?

By way of antidote, reflect on St. Luke, whose Feast is today.  He was a physician, a healer, a close friend and disciple of the great Paul and loved Our Lady. Tradition has it that he drew the first portrait of Mary, making him an artist as well as a doctor. 

Of course physical and spiritual healing go together and we see this outwardly in the life of Luke, to say nothing of inwardly in his Gospel and Acts. It's summed up in the Collect:

ALMIGHTY God, who didst inspire thy servant Saint Luke the Physician, to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of thy Son; Manifest in thy Church the like power and love, to the healing of our bodies and our souls; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Have a blessed Feast and may the powerful intercession of Luke and Our Lady come to our aid.

Love not hate,



  1. As a baptized Lutheran (Missouri synod), what fare would be appropriate for me on this day, the Feast of St. Luke? (notwithstanding the disagreement between us Protestants and the Church of England/Catholics regarding the status of Mary within our liturgy)?

  2. They do hate America Parson. It is nothing more to them than than a vehicle for self-enrichment through a life of crime at the highest levels. Outside of DJT I pay as little attention to politics as I can these days.

  3. Good words, hopefully more will listen...

  4. Thanks, Dr. Swankenstein. Just trying to do my bit.

  5. Ah, Fredd. Day late and ham sandwich short but I'd recommend a delicious fish fry to celebrate the Feast or, if you've transferred it to today, a juicy, sizzling steak. Not overdone, obviously.

    Some people like their steaks cooked to the consistency of old rubber. They think that tastes good. I disagree.

  6. Kid, it's nasty and more than nasty. Some might say it's a heaving mass of corruption and I'd be inclined to agree. Still, I thought 45 did well in Dallas.

  7. Thanks, NFO. We need some kind of turn 'round, no doubt about it.
