Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Typical Trans Texas Street Scene

Here we are on the streets of Texas, God is in his heaven and we're down on earth as the sun shines in a hazy blue sky, X-Rays of the screwed together femur report positive and, what's this? Let's zoom in.

A child riding on a gaily maned, pink-hoofed unicorn! You scratch your head in wonder, is this rural Texas or San Francisco, maybe Austin? Then you remember that a Dallas court just ruled against a man who tried to stop his estranged wife giving his 7 year old son a sex-change.

That's right, the kid liked some Disney cartoon flick called Frozen, featuring Elsa the Snow Queen, so his mother decided he was a girl and now the little guy's looking forward to enriching Big Pharma and riding the rainbow for the rest of his life. If he survives, many don't.

Remember, unicorns may look cute and harmless but the frolicksome beasts have a notoriously sharp horn, to say nothing of fiercely thudding hooves. And since when was a 7 year old qualified to make decisions about anything, much less a g*dammed sex change?

Sounds like the Devil's work, to say nothing of insanity. Perhaps the two go hand in hand, according to the infernal logic of the Pit.

Your Friend,



  1. Good grief! I don't always dive in, ass over tea kettle in concert with this website, but I have to assert my bewilderment at the very strange turns our world is taking! Kyrie, have things gone side ways or what? The Devil works in insanity, to be sure, but in confusion as well, and I'm feeling the sting. Thanks for keeping us, ahem, abreast of the weirdness.

  2. Chemical castration of a 7 yo boy is beyond insane - it's diabolical.

    The first phase of our new church is being blessed on Sat. and the first Mass is a high Mass on Sunday at noon - Feast of Christ the King. How apropos.

    You can see some of the pics on their Facecrap page listed under "St. Joan of Arc, FSSP"

  3. Keep making your sane comments please! someone needs to.

  4. Couldn't agree more, every word and add some more profainity.

    I hope the guy appeals and wins. I think there is evidence that mom has some serious mental issues. Heard she's been telling the kid monsters only eat little boys - stuff like that.

    Then the Supreme Court needs to rule that this is child abuse and make it illegal. Dude wants a change after he's 18 go for it and likely be one of the 41% + who commit suicide.

  5. GL, weird as you like and then some. I mean for goodness sake, getting your 7 year old kid a sex change when they're not even old enough to, well, do anything? WTH? Sure, go ahead and trans yourself, grown up, but don't get all psycho on your child. Insane and surely evil.

  6. That, WSF, is a very good call.

  7. It sure is, Adrienne.

    And congrats on the new church! I love a good High Mass, better in Latin, obvs.
