Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Gender Construct

In the bad old days of biological fascism people were indoctrinated into thinking their gender was a given, something dictated by the body they were born with. "Two XX chromosomes?" said the gender Nazis, "You're a woman!" So intolerant, now we know biology and gender are two very different things. 

Yes, you may well be born with the body of a woman or a man, such are the sexes, but don't let this trample like some kind of jack-booted Brownshirt all over your identity. That's something for you to decide, because gender's fluid and flexible.

That's right, a construct, a complex matrix of societal, mental and emotional forces which play together to create you, the gendered self. Biology may say one thing, but who you are is entirely up to you. At last we've found liberation in the transhumanist phase of the liberal project, a true triumph of the will.

Leaving aside uncomfortable NSDAP irony, and with apologies to Leni, here at the Compound we have to ask. If gender's a construct, divorced from the tyranny of the body, why is it that transsexuals spend so much money getting their body changed. Seriously, if biology and gender are unrelated, why spend all that cash to mess with your body? 

Why? Because everyone knows in reality that gender's determined by flesh and blood. Per GaGa, you were born that way, and we get it despite all the agitprop. It's not difficult, in fact it's readily apparent to the senses. Look, there's a woman, there's a man and... then there's that, some kind of hybrid. You can see it.

So, the unfortunate woman that wants to be a man or the sad man that wants to be a woman invests heavily in chemicals and scalpel to make it appear so. And what an appearance it mostly is, blasphemous Frankenstein parodies of the two sexes.

But my question is this. Why are we allowing our children to be abused by this self-evidently dysfunctional, sorry, dysphoric, illness? OK, perhaps that's too mild, let's call it as it is, Satanic degeneracy. 

As you doubtless know, Arlington schools have gone full trans. Far-sighted readers will remember Hungary threw the Bolshevik demons off their backs in reaction to Dukacs' program of sex-ed in schools.

Peace and Love,



  1. I hope were are seeing the apogee of this particular social pendulum.

  2. Replies
    1. Adrienne, I was hoping you wouldn't notice...

  3. We can but hope, WSF. I need a dam swordstick.

  4. But Herr Doktor Swankenstein, report yourself. IMMEDIATELY.

  5. You need to go to Burning Man in the Nevada desert. It might convince you that there are 157 genders, because all of them are represented there. Of course, you can change gender just like you change your socks. It's all about identification. Race works the same way, which is why I'm lining up for my government check for reparations...because I can be black for a day and get the check.

    Life is good when you're progressive. You have no responsibility at all - for anything. You are a victim of the oppressive white man (who is dripping with privilege). And if you're a white woman, you can become an Indian to get a teaching job that pays $200K+ per year just by showing up.

    1. LL, I often wonder why we're even talking about this nonsense but it's forced on us. By insane people.

      But hey, congrats on the reparations checks! Put 'em towards a 45-70 and a few deadly assault rifles.

  6. Today I am going to identify as Genghis Khan. AKA: King of Kings; Supreme Khan of all the Mongols. Preferred Pronoun: Great Khan; Sire; Ruler of Earth and Sky. Emotional Support Animal: Golden Horde. Dietary requirement: Horse meat, but Lactose intolerant and no shell fish.

  7. I had a young woman recently declare to me that genders and sexes were two different things. Since I'm not about to be drawn into a "discussion" of that, I simply walked away.

    1. Jim, we're passed the point of reason on this one, imo.

  8. seemed to be a lot of "horny" genders out there at burning man, how sexist, burning "MAN", they're just waiting to be burned, eternally, Lucifer is jumping for joy

  9. I was mildly surprised to read that the drag queen story hours at the libraries are chock full of parents and their kids. Who would take their kid to such a thing?

    Well, soon places may be full of trannies about to commit suicide screaming "It's Only Plastic Surgery !"

  10. Gender is a construct, huh? Construct, schmonstruct. Take for example the now famous study of giving 5 year old girls toy trucks to play with and 5 year old boys Barbie dolls.

    The girls dressed the toy trucks up like babies and put them to bed. The boys pushed the Barbie dolls through the sand box pretending they were trucks.

    Is what we have going on now the way ancient Roman culture eventually kicked the bucket?

  11. There's a video out there of Paris Hilton riding the unicorn at Burning Sexist.

    Surprised they haven't changed the name, now that you mention it.

  12. "why spend all that cash to mess with your body?"

    And on top of that, why T-shirts such as this:


    Now I'd thought that if you really felt like a "man trapped in a woman's body" (or vice versa) then once you transitioned then you'd want simply to live as your new sex/gender. But clearly I was naive. That T-shirt just goes to show that some proportion of these people are doing it for attention (and the victimhood points) more than anything else.

    But our society is now all about victimhood. It is a natural consequence of outsourcing your popular culture, higher education, and way too much of your government to those whose central existential mythos is about their supposed victimhood.

  13. There you go, using those pesky facts again... Stop that, you know it's ALL feelz now... :-(

  14. That's a great link, MC, and "mythos"? Well deployed! For what it's worth, I think victimhood's accidental to nihilism and rage. Satanic pride, if you like, Milton style.

    Then there's this helpful "T": https://www.amazon.com/Trans-Looks-Transgender-Pride-Shirt/dp/B07C6JKYH9

    This is what trans looks like? Hardly.

  15. But NFO, feelz are key. OK, that sounds nasty, sorry.

  16. Fredd, I have this feeling that we're reaching peak degeneracy. Is the culture devolving before our very eyes, as in Ancient Rome? Sure seems that way.

    Nero had a gay marriage, btw.
