Monday, September 23, 2019

The Climate Damien

By now you're all aware of the Soros-funded Climate Damien gnashing her teeth and glaring at Trump at the UN. Here's a short video:

She or the it driving her doesn't like 45, not that he seems to care, and we have to ask, who are this child's parents? Again, a video comes to the rescue. Here's her Mother figure.

Have you noticed how Satanists pay special attention to children?  And while we're at it, how come Greta doesn't go to China, the world's largest polluter? Surely not because they're, you know, Billionaire Communists.

Whatever, don't say pizza.



  1. You can always tell a Swede, you just can't tell them much.

  2. I don't think that the PRC would allow a witch a visa. They have scruples about what they let in.

  3. She definitely looks evil. We're not done hearing about this creature yet.

  4. All I can say about the pizza video is "what the...!"

  5. Disturbed girl, daughter of very disturbed parents. The part I struggle with is why adults are sitting around listening to her. What's up with that??

  6. Children's Crusades never end well.

  7. Aspie, autistic, and OCD, she's the PERFECT foil and her parents and others are using her for all she's worth...

  8. It's too bad that we don't let foreigners vote.

    Oh, that's right; we actually do let them vote. All the time. And they vote for Democrats.

  9. I’m all for us doing our bit to look after the planet because it’s our home, it’s beautiful and we are a bunch of scuzzy litterers at the best of times. However, I find this kind of child propaganda very underhand and distasteful and have no time for parents who don’t protect the privacy of their children. I especially loathe using her autistic label to create some kind of empathy or emotional bias. Disgraceful. Her video is all over Facebook and working its magic on the ill informed who don’t care to look into the background of her parents, upbringing and lavish lifestyle. These people rooting for her ( that I have seen and know personally) happen to holiday frequently, drive petrol guzzling SUV’s, leave their debris behind at festivals, and are gluttonous wastrels. Such hypocrisy. Such is modern media and its message today.

  10. Jules - agree. Also 90+ % of the plastic that is polluting the oceans come from Africa and Asia developing countries. Can we do anything about that? No.

    And the democrats are literally satanic.

  11. Juliette, I'm with you. Hate pollution and scorn the parents and manipulators of a child, even if she is a female Damien.

    And I know what you mean about facebook, full of lefty fawning over the poor, well, rich, little Climate Swede. Have they all gone brain dead? We have to wonder. As for the media...

  12. Fredd, it's all about tolerance. For votes.

  13. And that's an awful lot, NFO. No small thing to have an international child actress. Of course it'll go down well at the Pearly Gates.

    "Why did you exploit your autist child and drive her insane?"

    "Because we wanted to get rich and climate."

    Imagine the fire.

  14. That, Anon, is a very good point.

  15. Adrienne, I don't know! Have their mind's melted?

  16. LL, as I understand it and I'm no expert, China has an issue with witchcraft. So why compound the problem?

    Here in the West it's a different thing altogether, we even sell baby parts to make all those difficult ingredients easier to get.

  17. WSF, you are very wise. I feel sorry for all the refugees Sweden's welcomed into its warm heart, imagine what that'll look like when they wake up from their trollish slumber.

  18. Heavens, she's a sixteen year-old kid, hardly scary.
    All she says - albeit garbled - is look at the science.
    You tasted the air is Los Angeles lately?

  19. Who said it was scary, Anon, apart from the satan damien glare? And yes, of course LA's terrifying.
