Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saturday Round Up

What a week it's been. An attempted coup across the water by the Traitor Parliament, who've done all in their power to stop Brexit and the will of the British people, in the name of democracy, bizarrely. Well it's not over 'til it's over, so sit back and watch the fireworks. 

Then there's the UK schoolgirls who had the sheer, brazen, hate-filled temerity to turn up at their school wearing skirts, forcing their teachers to call the police. How dare they stand against the sexless gender neutrality of the Hive? Good luck in the thought crime gulag, "girls." 

Closer to home, Epstein's been buried in an unmarked grave, President Trump's about to get impeached, again, and's cleverly trolling the airwaves selling Sharpies. And black unemployment's at its lowest rate ever in ever, because he's such a racist. But what about 45's DNC contenders?

They're cooking with gas, ahem, solar power, and swear they'll ban fossil fuel, which is especially smart. To say nothing of trying to ban the electoral college, get rid of the border, kill babies up to the point of birth and beyond, and confiscate all your guns. Quite the platform. And Joe Biden's eye filled up with blood, spooky satan or what?

Looking further afield, Zimbabwe's billionaire Communist dictator Robert Mugabe has finally died. He destroyed a once prosperous and civilised country in the name of revolutionary freedom and made himself incredibly rich in the process. Harambe weeps. 

On a personal note, the medicos in Waco say I'll be walking normally some time in October, yes please, and the Cadet's at the end of his first week of "Red Phase." Go Army.





  1. Walking is something that we all take for granted.

    I didn't know that girls (or people who identify as girls to be more precise) can't wear skirts. Really?

    The world has entered the surreal.

  2. Glad to hear your mending is nearly complete. Now just be more careful. When you get a bit older, you don't bounce as well.

  3. Like LL, What a bizzaro world.. And made possible by the number of people who accept these things is the really interesting part.

  4. That's good news, and DO the therapy. It helps... Trust me!

  5. Please to hear that you are on the mend.

    Next dangerous sport to try - Cheese Rolling.

    Yes. It is a real sport.

  6. And a bit more about recent history of Cheese Rolling from National Geographic.

  7. Never fear, Bill Gates is developing some cloud seeding scheme that will save us from climate change.

    Ancient that I am, remember girls in my high school were forbidden to wear trousers - dresses only. Never mind sub zero Colorado mountain winters.

  8. Mugabe did nothing wrong. Oops, I meant Hurambe.

  9. Why aren't the boys required to wear skirts? Makes about as much sense as saying the girls can't wear skirts. If they're worried about the length of the skirts that's easily fixed. The nuns sure didn't have any problem keeping our skirts at a modest length.

    You will be walking normally by October, but what about your thinking?? ;-)

  10. Thanks, Linda. It's been a bit of a process but should be walking about normally before too long. Thank God.

  11. LL, are we reaching peak bizarre? What transphobe haters, turning up to school dressed as girls because they insist they're "girls." Of course if they'd been drag queens, different story.

  12. I will most definitely take that sound advice, Jim.

  13. The turkeys seem to have an insatiable love of Christmas, Kid. How dare those girls turn up to school dressed like girls. What haters.

  14. NFO, I've been pretty good about it and see an improvement every day. But bloody hell, an injury like that sure knocks you sideways. A first for me.

  15. Ah yes, Anon, CHEESE ROLLING! Great sport. And I had quite a few friends in Cheltenham that were into it. In fact, I remember a pub, the Cheese Rollers. And thanks for the links, postworthy.

  16. Well that's gender oppressive, WSF, and chilly too. In the brave new long pants world of tomorrow everyone will be free to stay warm in the trousered gender neutral Hive. But it's curious to watch feminism's unattractive offspring return to attack the parent.

    Girls wearing skirts? How literally Hitler.

  17. Dr. Swankenstein, we will NEVER FORGET.

  18. The thinking, Adrienne, is another matter entirely.

    Then there's skirts. How come gender neutral trans laws always seem to go male? Girls have to wear trousers, boys compete in women's sports. Of course feminism's similar, equal rights for women becomes some crone dressing up like a man in a priest rig, girl scouts become boy scouts and so on. Hardly ever the other around. Peculiar.

  19. Thanks, Borepatch. What a production, pretty much blew up the summer. Hey, could've been far worse so I'm not complaining.
