Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget

For admirably restrained commentary, see LL at Virtual Mirage. In the meanwhile, here's a prayer:

We pray for those who lost their lives on 9/11, for all who mourn, and all who so bravely risked their lives to save others. Lord teach us to be instruments of peace in a world that needs his love and healing. Amen.

God bless,



  1. The only thing I can think of on 9/11 is: Why are we still in Afghanistan? I support our troops. You know how I support them? By not wanting them to fight and die overseas in useless "nation-building" exercises.

    9/11 has turned me into an isolationist.

    Close our borders. Bring our troops home. No more foreign aid to any country. The world has been sucking at the US teat for too long.

    Let the rest of the world burn.

  2. Toug love often works Infidel. Problem is foreign aid money is money being laundered and stolen by their guys and ours imo.

    Yea, the rest of the world craps on us, let them burn or figure out how to survive.

  3. Kid and NFO, I thought it was a good prayer.

  4. Infidel, are you saying that our NWO, Illuminati, billionaire socialist rulers shouldn't control every aspect of the planet? That sounds dangerously like treason.

  5. Kid, surely you're not hinting at corruption?
