Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In The Ghetto

This one's for fellow blogger, patriot, journalist and art philospopher, Jules. Sometimes you find yourself in the ghetto. Whaddya do? Climb into the rig and play Elvis' soulful tune at VOLUME as you drive up and down the street, while local PD takes down dealers and confiscates Range Rovers.

Behold Our Urban Shitholes

Speaking of which, a girl once said to me, "I wrote an essay on the ghetto," she was a TA at SMU. After she'd gone a friend commented, "I thought you'd sh*t and go blind." 




  1. Why, thank you, LSP! I shall take this sound advice and put it into action! I’ve just walked the wolfit round the block and passed the drug-den. A suspicious looking Lithuanian girl came out of the hotbed looking very pasty and nervous. I gave her my best “neighbourhood watch” stare. More deviant dwellers? You cut the head off the snake and it just grows a new one. Maybe I should write an essay...

  2. Since the term "ghetto" originally applied to Jewish neighborhoods, would the current use be cultural appropriation?

  3. It's a progressive environment, LSP, a glimpse of the Donkey's vision of our future.

  4. Some art "advice". Do you mean "Taliesen" of FLW fame? If so I understand. Nothing could be further from any ghetto hellhole and still be in these continental United States.

  5. Odd thought. Elvis would NEVER have been allowed to sing that song today. Sigh... Re ghettos, they were originally Irish, then Polish, then Jewish, and now black and Hispanic... sigh... NOT progress IMHO.

  6. Juliette, I know, it's like a HYDRA. But the wolf will come in handy, especially as he grows and his fangs lengthen. You give the famous NWS (Neighbourhood Watch Stare) and Tex snarls, fur bristling. Dealers run to the nearest squad car for safety. Sorted.

    That aside, cheer up the ghetto with Elvis' classic tune!

  7. That's a very good point, Jim. But perhaps we should ask Justine Trudeau?

  8. And their followers don't seem to see it, LL, despite all the Motor City, Chicago, Baltimore, Gary, name your sh*thole evidence to the contrary. Saying that, there's a movement to Walk Away. Let's see that turn to a flood, please.

  9. Good FLW call, gL. And yes, kind of, but more Williams' classic if opaque Taliessin Through Logres. Think San Graal. Here's an excerpt, p'haps from Region of the Summer Stars, but same deal:

    "The cone's shadow of earth fell into space, and into, other than space, the third heaven. In the third heaven are the living unriven truths, climax tranquil in Venus. Merlin and Brisen heard, as in faint beelike humming round the cone's point, the feeling intellect hasten to fasten on the moving earth's hide. In the third heaven the stones of the waste glimmered like summer stars."

    See what I mean? Heh. I love Charles Williams.


  10. "Behold our urban shitholes." is not the slam-dunk you seem to think.

    For example, driving one Sunday morning through the near North Side of Saint Louis, I came upon a small weed-overrun square that sported a covey of quails.

    The County Parks and Recreation bloke I consulted said "Predation pressure is probably low. So why not as long as the weeds have seeds?"


  11. Urban "shitholes" can have hidden charms. A couple of decades ago I was driving through near North Saint Louis one Sunday morning and startled a covey of quails that were collecting weed seeds in an overgrown vacant lot.

  12. Dammit, Anon. I love a good quail shoot! And, on topic, what happened to all the Texan quail? Magnum mysterium.

  13. And, Anon, I'm not against all aspects of the #GreeningOfAmerica

