Thursday, September 26, 2019


Nice Brooks Brothers polo, "Joe." Could it be that the Dems were running scared of a Crowdtstrike, Fusion GPS investigation, and with it Hillary's miracle of the real absence email server? So they decided to kick up static to deflect attention from the crime?

Possibly, but whichever way you cut it the ancient Democrat frontrunner's not looking good, along with his Party.

As in, don't try and impeach a President for a crime which he hasn't committed and you have. Bad optics, Dems, especially on the heels of an epic fail 2+ years of "Trump's a Russian Spy!"

Are they trying to lose 2020 or have they been infiltrated by Trumpist agents?




  1. Two months after Hunter Biden’s dishonorable discharge from the navy for using cocaine, he scored the $50K/mo Ukraine Gas job. Then he and Dad flew to China on Air Force 2 to score another $1.5 billion. Hunter is quite the businessman. Then when his brother dies, he shacks with his wife and dumps his wife. Mafia family.

  2. Lawfare on both side of the pond to undermine democracy - co-incidence or co-ordination?

  3. I think the dems just believe they can get away with anything. Nothing yet to suggest they can't.

  4. And it's dangerous to impeach for crime that he HAS committed as well. Ask Bill.

  5. I highly doubt they will carry through with their impeachment threats. Whenever they start up something I look around and try a figure out what they're trying to distract us from. I find the whole subject boring...

  6. Just remember the run-up to the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton was clearly implicated in maybe 3 or 4 felonies, I lost count, and they were ALL ignored all the way up to election day. All of 'em.

    Joe Biden's sleaze will also be ignored, all the way up to election day, all of it. Have you read a single mainstream media piece about Joe/Hunter/China/Ukraine? One lousy story? No. Not one.

    I'm telling ya, Reverend, this teflon Mafia family (aka liberal Democrats) will come out smelling like a rose come election day. Just you wait and see.

  7. Nice money if you can make it, LL, at the cost, of course gaining the whole world to lose your soul. But that aside, it seems strange to me that they're attacking Trump for their own crimes. Boomerang?

  8. Good point, Anon. I'd be very surprised if they weren't talking. It's a pretty alien call to the UK though and not very popular here. Backfire?

  9. Some say there's a two tier justice system in this country, Kid. I don't see how that augurs well for the future, at any level.

  10. Ah, Jim. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet, just ask the kill-list.

  11. Yet more theater, sound and fury from the fauxtrage gang, Adrienne. They'd have a better time of it if Trump had actually committed a crime, as opposed to Biden. Ridic, and a good GOP fundraiser to boot.

  12. I really hope you're wrong, Fredd, but they keep getting away with murder, don't they.

  13. Pastor: I hope I'm wrong, too. But I'm not, unfortunately for all of us.

  14. Precedence argues in your favor, Fredd. Mind you, everyone said the Screeching Pantsuit would win.
