Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Black Rifle Beto Blow Out!

Do you remember Millionaire Socialist Irish Bob "Beto" telling America that he'd confiscate your deadly assault rifles when he gets to be President? 

Gun shop owners across the nation certainly did, and weren't slow to offer cut-price Beto blowouts on AR 15s and AK 47s. 

Thanks to Beto's marketing genius, guns are flying off the shelves as semi-auto, gas-gun mania grips the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of freedom loving Americans everywhere. And who can blame them?

Why spend more on one of these modular, adaptable, handy, easy to shoulder, these days accurate, annoying to clean but fun to shoot liberty rifles than you have to? And that's where the famous Beto discount kicks in. 

Thanks to Irish Bob we can all add to our existing armories at hundreds off the regular price, allowing the smart shooter to invest in more ammunition and further firearms. Useful when the SHTF, right? So well done, Irish Bob, you've done us all a favor.

But seriously, why is it that pretty much everything the Libleft proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its stated effect? It's like some kind of axiom.

Gun rights,



  1. Honestly, barry soetoro put more firearms in the hands of Americans than probably anyone in the history of America. Yea, in this case, I think they are that stupid. Though there is the possibility this is insider trading.

  2. Got to have a hot button to fleece the gullibles. Campaign contributions, that is the game.

  3. Because they're unfamiliar with, and don't even understand the concept of, "Unintended Consequences", Parson!

  4. Now Palmetto is taking pre orders on this one. I'm tempted.


  5. Insider dealing? I hadn't thought of that one, Kid. Hmmmm.

  6. That seems to be the consensus, WSF. I'd have thought he wouldn't need the money, being a millionaire socialist and all, but maybe not.

  7. drjim, that certainly seems to be the case. Maybe it's because they run on a weird mix of emotion fueled by graft?

  8. Whoa, Jim! The price is right!

  9. Leftists of all stripes like to think they can solve problems in society, and their plans are what they run on:

    Andrew Yang: poverty? No biggie, just give everyone $1,000 a month and presto change: no poverty. Yup, that'll be a sure fire way of eliminating poverty, Andy. One question, though: where are you getting that $1,000 in the first place? From your stash?

    Beto: too many gun deaths? Just take away all the guns, duh. Uh, Beto? There are 350,000,000 guns in the hands of Americans right now (and you pushed that number up another million or two all by your lonesome), are you and your jack booted thugs in your administration just going to march up to everyone's front doorstep and take them all away? Good luck with that.

    Old Lizzy (aka Pochahontas): income inequality is bad, so just take the extra money from the billionaires, millionaires (and hundred thousandaires, and while we're at it, why not hundred-aires?). Besides, they didn't build that....

    Bernie: health care cost too much? Piece o' cake: just give everyone free health care, and he means everybody on the planet that can step one foot inside the US. That, and college cost too much? Nothing to it: just give everybody free college, and wipe out any student loans outstanding. Next question?

    Leftists are great at talking about solving problems. They aren't so swift at actually solving anything. In truth, they suck at solving anything.

  10. And Fredd, they always seem to produce the total opposite of what they say they'll do. Strange, but true.

  11. Pastor: yes, time and time again they wind up with the polar opposite result of what they ran on. Take our great big 370-pound Democrat governor in Illinois; he ran on more puppies, rainbows and smiles. Or something to that effect. What we now have is jacked up DMV fees, jacked up state income taxes, soon to be jacked up property taxes. legal pot smoking, ...

    I don't see any puppies, rainbows and smiles. And you watch, they guy will get re-elected.

  12. Fredd, the sheer, brazen, lying, corrupt, malfeasant skulduggery of the libs. And all packaged in a smiling puppy rainbow, grinning at us from under the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center.

    Sorry, didn't mean to make you throw up.
