Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ursula von der Leyen Zapfenstreich!

Germany's outgoing Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen got quite the sendoff  on her way to become President of the European Commission. Look, here's a short video.

I like martial tradition, a lot, but where have we seen this sort of thing before? The "great replacement" might want to take note of precedent. 

That aside, the German military are obviously pleased to see their Defense Minister go, and who can blame them? They've been training with broomsticks, their planes don't fly, their subs don't work, and they have these weird little tents. Hardly good for morale. 

Not to worry, Fatherland, Ursula's taking her, ahem, warlike qualifications to Fortress Europa, where plans are afoot for a grand EU Army.

The world quakes at the dread prospect of the rainbow legion! Except that it doesn't. You see, behind every dark cloud there's a silver lining.

Your Old Friend,



  1. "This should send clear warnings to anyone who voted REMAIN."

    What warnings? The useful idiots won't know what hit them if the Globalists win. Now the Globalists have intelligence in the IQ sense, as well as cunning and amorality [1], but a paucity of wisdom and a crippling lack of self-awareness, are convinced they can continue to direct and ride the tide of refuse (culturally speaking) and "refugees" they have unleashed upon the West. Personally I believe they are wrong, and the only question is whether there is a resurgent West, or if the refuse and refugees turn out to be things that bring the Globalists down.

    [1] Amorality: No few Globalists, partly through the recent lens of postmodernism, and partly through ancient traditions of (often self-proclaimed) victimhood and consequent resentment (some justified, much self-serving mythology) are convinced that, being the aggrieved and victimized party, even the most vile things they do are justified and completely moral, because of past mistreatment. Bitter, resentful persons who are also self righteous become the enemy of all decent, sane people.

    As to the ceremony, zombie Leni Riefenstahl is massively underwhelmed.

  2. So long as alles ist in ordnung tranquility will prevail in Deutschland. I wouldn't want to be there when things go South.

  3. Haven't people been trying to unify Europe for a couple millennia? It usually doesn't end well.

  4. Ursula Von Der Leyen and friends, of course, should take heart in that they are laying the foundation for the new Europe with a million military age Muslims to call on to fill the ranks. Personally, I'm more comfortable seeing the new Muslim Euro-Army train with broomsticks... but that's me.

  5. Is it coincidence that she looks like Hillary?

  6. There are some wonderful intelligent capable women around but I am thinking there are too many women in positions of power around the world. This one, Iceland PM, Denmark PM, Merkel, World Monetary Fund, and the looong usual suspects list in the US Congress.

    Just sayin.

    Also Ursula looks lesbian to me, which I have no problem with from a personal standpoint but once again, like women, I also think homosexuals are WAY over-represented in government and do not see that as a good thing.

  7. Juliette, it's weird, do they come from the same factory? Hillary's obvs an older model.

  8. Good points, Mike. Then there's Leni. Triumph of the Will? Hardly. Perhaps we don't have so much to fear, cultural Marxism? Another story.

  9. WSF, you have my vote on that entirely.

  10. Ah, Infidel. There's always Tiny Bonaparte Mk.II. Don't give up hope.

  11. Whoa! Kid, I agree, on every point. But is von Leyen a lesbian? See Jules' comment viz Hillary.

  12. Dear Parson:

    A 'zapfen' seems to be a spigot or a peg. So I don't see what your point is. Most of your readers never had the learning that you get in divinity school.


  13. Zapfenstreich = "taps"

    What's your point Dhimmi?

  14. The 'Girls und Panzer' meme was a good idea, the execution lacked the traditional Teutonic efficiency. Less Marlene Dietrich, more Marilyn Manson and Tank Girl wasn't German.
