Friday, August 30, 2019

Two Disturbing Shorts - Warning Graphic

Dirlewanger On Arrest

You may not want to watch these, but here they are. The first is from Russia and SS Dirlewanger (to avoid censorship click...):

You can see why the Russians went hard when they got to Berlin. The second short is, for me, more upsetting. But see what you think:

Disturbing? I'd say so, and then some. Make of this what you will.

Your Old Pal,



  1. The first video was unavailable.

    The second, Jugend, 12th SS Division - all war is hell.

  2. And Sherman made it so. But try clicking the "avoid censorship link" LL, or go to

    Of course Dirlewanger was a psychotic beast, by all accounts.

    And for sure, bad hell. I was struck by the boy's ghostly girlfriend. Upsetting, to me anyway.

  3. I remember talking to an original Para. He told me in 1945 his unit was ordered to capture an airfield in Northern Germany. The airfield was heavily defended and they had suffered casualties in the assault. They rounded up the prisoners to find the defenders were Hitlerjugen aged 11 to 15 year old. They even had miniature sized weapons, not full sized weapons. The Paras were in a quandary, what to do with child POWs. The Paras, not much old than the German kids, resolved it thus. They removed all military equipment from the kids and got them into civvies. Each Para then took a child POW, bent him over their knee and gave them a good spanking. They were then all told to scram and go home, that Germany had lost the war and on no circumstances to come back. Such is the justice of Solomon.

    1. I've had a few of those conversations, Anon. Good Paras.

  4. It's strange what we think about when we believe that death is imminent. Of course, since I'm alive, it didn't happen, but you put your mind in a different place and think of who and what you love to avoid the present reality. Maybe some people don't go there and that's why they kill themselves.

    Then again there are the people who do the killing, and in war, when bullets are flying you never really know whose bullet killed whom. Knife work is different because they blow their last breath in your face. And were they thinking of the girl back home, or of mother fixing dinner? If you wonder about those things you end up insane...because all war is Hell.

    Psychotic beasts find a home in war, and sometimes just in government. Sociopaths who don't know the difference between right and wrong. They only know that what feels good to them, personally, is the ultimate good. James Comes comes to mind because he's been in the news lately. I've met a lot of people very much like him. I haven't met Strozk or Page, but I've met and have worked with their clones. The difference comes in the degree of power that is bestowed. John Brennan is another and if you met him, you'd agree with me. Jim Clapper (Brennan's buddy) is more of a follower, a weak man who wraps himself in the bureaucracy like a wood tick burying itself into your arm. I've met both of them.

    The warrior ethos is something that we don't see much. The soldiers of the 12th SS in the film short weren't warriors. They were just there in the way. Warriors die in wars. The rear echelon types are more likely to survive. One hopes that the valkyrie take the souls of the warriors to Valhalla. The people who are in the way should go somewhere else. The likes of Comey and Brennan and Strozk should end up somewhere very hot.

    1. Well said, LL!

      And there seems to be something especially noxious about Brennan. Strozk is clearly possessed to boot.

      Will Comey get FISA comeuppance? Hope so.

  5. I was reminded of "Gladiator" at points, referring to the afterlife of a warrior.
    Walking through a field of tall grass in the sunshine.
    He died going to war, she died staying home. He may have also, had he stayed.
    War is hell.
    A truly lost generation.

  6. Good Gladiator point, Ed. I knew I'd seen that scene somewhere before. Unsettling little film.

  7. Animals only kill to survive. People.. not so much.

  8. I did not watch the films. The psycho's do not scare me. The people who go along with them do.

    Almost everything written about the extermination of the Jews , has been written by the victors. The Germans did their best to get rid of records and not talk about it. Hence the national socialist Einstaztgruppen have been portrayed as evil monsters, akin to the Manson and Dalmer stereotypes, no decent men among them.

    A researcher, looking for info in Bavaria, quite a while after the war, came up with a trove of documents from the basement of an old police station, that had escaped destruction. He wrote a book.

    This is perhaps the most frightening thing I have ever read.

    "Ordinary Men", the story of Police Reserve Battalion 101.

  9. Yep, people respond 'accordingly'... And the 12th were brainwashed, no question. The pandering about the number of civilians that died did piss me off. How many 'innocent' civilians did the Germans kill? Start with 6 million and work up... You reap what you sow, and that was what happened to the Germans. Psychos DO tend to hide in peacetime, but come out to 'play' at war. I knew one who did that and 'never came home'... He disappeared into South America/South Africa where he could keep killing. Hopefully, one of his targets took him out.

  10. I'll look that up, Raven, thanks for the reference.

    Viz. video. The first's a slightly surrealist Russian portrayal of a Dirlewanger action. Oskar Dirlewanger's methods were considered... extreme, even by SS standards. And he was a notorious psycho drunk. In fairness, he didn't fear death and was decorated accordingly.

    I feel, per LL and NFO, that he lost himself in the killing. I'm surprised, too, that he didn't ratline out Germany to greener pastures. But what do I know, just an LSP.

  11. NFO, it's a terrifying thing.

    By way of aside, a retired specops friend was tremendously upset over Lady Di's demise, to the point of tears. He'd drive his Porsche over to Kensington Gardens or wherever and weep. Such tragedy.

    He told my then Boss all about it who promptly turned 'round and said, "But Roddy, you're a f*cking arms dealer."

    Had to laugh.

  12. Cats? Nothing is all inclusive Monsieur....

  13. But Kid, it was her turn.

  14. Isn't it nice we cancelled that 'her turn' stuff for just a little while...

  15. Kid, imagine the pantsuit alternative.

  16. I have ! My God ! For me, it would have been a million times worse than obama, and yes, I do know how bad he was for America...
    I still shudder at the though.

    The beast will run again too.

  17. Driven by demonic power?!?

    I'm only half joking.

  18. I'd say totally driven. I noticed chelsea clinton did a call out to satan on the
    satan birthday or whatever it was. Hey - happy satan whatever !

  19. Saw that too, Kid. They're not even bothering to hide.

  20. Let's face it our troops were no better. They slaughtered unarmed POWs, just not on a scale of the Russians. Eisenhower did not treat the germans as POWs after the war and allowed tens of thousands to die. The Germans were executed as war criminals for this. As for the Russians, they raped and killed their way starting in Russia, through the Baltics and Balkans, then Poland, before trying their luck in Germany. Let's face it you can say the Germans killed 6 million but they were pikers compared to the Russians who killed at least 30 million of their own citizens without herr Hitler's help.

  21. Aon, we scorn, hate and despise Hitler and his Nazis, with some reason. But it's OK to be a commie? WTF.
