Sunday, August 4, 2019

Inspirational Sundays

Well, well, well. Who's to blame for not one but two mass shootings right on the heels of the epic fiasco of the DNC debates? An old pal from the Rustbelt, aka Detroit, supplied the answer. It's the President's fault for "openly fomenting hatred of Latinos."

Flummoxed, I went right to the source, Eva Peron, "Did 45's brazen, literal racism towards people of color, towards mujeristas from the countries of Latin and South America, cause the tragedies of El Paso and Ohio?"

Eva replied with typical heart-winning candour.

Do not be ridiculous. These were crazies, freaks, a mental health issue. One, a deranged socialist and Devil worshiper who loved the so-called "Fauxchahontas," the other? An eco-nut. Deranged.
And why blame guns? Are they more deadly than in 1947? Why so many shootings now as opposed to then?  Is it the gun's fault? No, it is the person, the people, society. This has become sick."

Chastened, I returned to the City of God and pondered the devolution of the West. It's a strange and abhorrent thing to watch the collapse of an entire civilization unfold before your very eyes.



  1. Media hype... as usual... At this point, I'd push for doing away with ALL gun laws. If you can afford it, you can buy it...

    1. NFO, maybe they should ban pistols in Chicago? Oh, they already have...

  2. Buckle up buttercup, I for one am not going down easy...

  3. It's a strange and abhorrent thing to watch the collapse of an entire civilization unfold before your very eyes.

    One reason that I'm a bit scarce in the blogosphere these days (nor do I watch/read the news very much). I am trying to enjoy the remainder of my finite moments upon this earth.
