Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Boy's At Basic

Joining the US Army's quite a process. It took my eldest son, the Recruit, four months and I have to hand it to the recruiters, they kept the boy engaged. Given the nature of the teen beast, things could easily have turned out differently. 

But they didn't, and the kid shipped out to Fort Benning yesterday to be with the Army in Georgia; he  left a very soldierly(!) sounding message last night, excited to be on his way. Of course he has the pleasure of looking forward to this:

Well you know what they say, character building, and in the long term so much better than sitting around playing Death Metal, awesome as that is. So well done Recruit, get through Basic and evolve up.

More on this exciting story as it unfolds.

Go Army, 



  1. Our middle boy spent 6 years at Ft. Stewart in Georgia.
    Good luck to your son and God bless our military.

  2. God Bless Him! Hope he likes 'walking' to work... :-)

  3. I'm sure he has the right stuff. Have a grandson who puked out of Basic a Ft.
    Benning this year.

  4. General Charles C. Krulak, the 31st Commandant of the Marine Corps.

    "From self discipline to selflessness".


    May The Recruit do his ancestors proud. Here's hoping they have done away with those asinine "time out" cards. If not, hopefully The Recruit will simply ask "how do they taste, Drill Sergeant?".


    Go Army.

  5. It's important that he takes a few lessons away from Basic other than a keen understanding of shining his boots, and making his bed. I'm talking about the long term lessons that St. James Matis of Quantico talked about. "Be polite and respectful to people, but have a plan to kill everyone that you meet". I realize that St. James was a Marine and not a soldier. But the same warrior ethos should exist.

  6. Good Stuff LSP. They do parachute training also at Ft Benning I believe if that's your thing.

    Army Ranger might be an interesting choice?

  7. Thanks for that, Linda. It means a lot.

  8. Heh! Let's see how it all pans out, NFO. But hey, good call, kid. I told him DO NOT GIVE UP.

  9. Sorry to hear that, WSF, and hope he's found something good to do. I left the army and became a priest! Should've gone in as a chaplain, with hindsight.

  10. What a great video, RHT. Part of me, vicariously, wishes he'd gone USMC but he was smart to go Signals, imo.

    Will his martial ancestors be proud? Let's see, in the meanwhile I am!

    Love "From self discipline to selflessness".

    Serve to Lead.

  11. LL, if I'd been called upon to go over the top against the Red Menace at the end of Basic I'd have been most useful at polishing their gas masks and ironing their greatcoats...

    Thanks for all the help you've been in this, perhaps more than you know.

  12. Good call, Kid. I think he's more interested in psyops, but let's see him graduate!

  13. Congratulations and good luck to your son.

    My father was an Air Force man. Why the Air Force you ask? Simple. The Korean war was raging and he didn't want to be sent overseas.

    1. Thanks, Infidel. Sounds like your dad was smart. I probably would've volunteered...

  14. I took basic at Leonard Wood back in the day. I still have memories of those hat brims bouncing off of my forehead while being royally chewed out.
