Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Curious Tale To Mark The Anniversary Of Woodstock

Here's a short and curious tale to mark the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, the greatest hippy gathering the world has ever known.

It was a hot night in Dallas and the whisky flowed freely on my friend's back porch as we talked of guns, religion, Sergeant Majors, wars and hippies. 

Then the conversation turned personal. TH fixed me in the eye, he'd been a combat diver in Vietnam, a kind of proto SEAL.

"I'd just returned from a mission, it'd been," he paused, "difficult. And got orders to go on leave, so off I went without changing uniform. Out of the jungle and onto the plane.

"Landed in LA, and went outside to get a cab. It was right after Woodstock, and there was this hippy woman, staring, I must have looked a mess. She jabs her finger and calls me a 'baby killer.' What? I couldn't take that at all so I knocked her out, bang. 

"A cop comes over, he'd seen it, and asks, 'Do you want me to book her for assault?' I thought for a moment, no, let it be."

Here endeth the Lesson.

Rest in peace, TH.



  1. Thank you for your service TH, go with God.

  2. Toasting TH.

    Woodstock - a bunch of drug addled people rolling around in the mud. No thank you.

  3. Yes, a toast to TH. I'm glad he decked her.

    I lived through the hippie evolution. I always thought they were dog nuts and never for a moment thought of joining up. Thought they all looked bad too. Always some section of society with mental problems, and now there are even more because the hippies have been breeding all this time.

  4. Got blood (probably goat or cow), thrown on me in 72 at SFO... Couldn't get to the SOB to deck his ass...

  5. Juliette, you would've liked him a lot! He became a stuntsman after the war, curiously, and LOVED single malt. Big fun.

  6. "and now there are even more because the hippies have been breeding all this time."

    Kid, you make an excellent point, but a weird kind of anti-darwinism's in play. Natural selection, survival of the fittest?I don't think so, check out Portland.

  7. Right on, Brig. He was a good guy.

  8. Just an uplifting Sunday tale of right and wrong, Pewster.

  9. Adrienne, I get the feeling you'd have scorned that mudfest. Unlike one of my Aunts, who famously went. I asked "what was it like?" and she replied " a lot like the movie." Go figure.

    Like everyone else in Texas she'd "been to Janis' ranch." A bit like relics of the True Cross, these people could circle the world, except I venerate relic of the Cross.

    That aside, well done, TH.

  10. Couple things - It is interesting that Portland and Seattle seem to be the hives of the fascist people. Hey if they stay in those 2 cities what the hey. No skin off my nose. And Portland and/or Seattle cops are fleeing like rats off a sinking ship because they get no support from their fugly governors.
    Not that I Like Cincinnati, but this place is full of Pro-America 'stuff' Flags and "Support the USA" in big letters on freeway overpasses. I drive to work and back on the SSGT Matt Maupin Memorial Freeway section. No shortage of Marine Insignias on vehicles here either.
    We're thinking Texas may be our final destination. Yea, I'd like to see thse punks try their crap in Tejas !

    2) My stepson who is 43 tells me parents in his age group could not have done a worse job of being parents and raising their little beasts. Guess the age group of the mass shooters. Yep, about the age they'd be with 40 something year old parents.

  11. Sorry about that, NFO. That anyone could do that leaves me almost speechless.

  12. Kid, Texas is alright. Mind you, the big cities have gone weirdly rainbow lib, so watch out. And yes, there's definitely a generational issue. Will it improve? While I breathe I hope.
