Sunday, July 28, 2019

Poor Baby!

I wasn't going to say Mass at Mission #2 two Sundays ago because a Mad Arab threw me off her back, resulting in three massive screws to the upper femur. So I called the MC and asked if he'd sorted out a supply priest. The conversation went like this.

"Hey, d'ye have a supply priest sorted out for Sunday?"
"Why not?"
"I was figuring you'd do it."
"How, I've got three enormous screws in my leg."
"Poor baby!"

This left me with one choice and one only. Get up. Get in the rig. Say the Mass. Good thing the recruit's on hand to drive, and by the way, the MC in question has a history of falling off horses.

Ride on,



  1. Haha. Aw. God bless, Parson. I hope you are healing well. 🙏

  2. Maybe you should start off by riding MECHANICAL bulls rather than angry Arabs (or horses which self-identify as Arab). There would be a party of drunks to cheer you on and if you're bucked off, you land on a soft (or sorta soft) pad. I'm sure that the screws will hold it all together...
