Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day!

We had a parade today.

There were Revolutionary War veterans.

Happy families, because everyone loves a parade, unless they're demonically insane leftists.

And plenty of cops.

This ATV was proud to be an American.

And the Seniors Club enjoyed riding in their custom rig.

There weren't any armored vehicles but the town mustered a small contingent of cavalry. More horses on the street, please.

And the church handed out water and popsicles and everyone had a good time.

I love our parade. It's not too big but neither is the town, and there it is, good-natured, decent, patriotic family spirit on display to mark Independence. There's an innocence and a greatness to that.

Have a beautiful 4th and as always, Sic Semper Tyrannis.



  1. That's great!.
    I'd of probably attacked Antifa marching in ours.
    So I stayed home this year.
    They were peaceful last year but I'm itching for a fight.

    1. Ed, I totally get that. Our parade was peaceful though, nice.

  2. I love your little town. Happy Independence Day, LSP.

    1. And to you, Adrienne. We had a great day.

  3. Looks like a wonderful day, Parson!

  4. Loved the Senior's bus!
    Thanks for the photos, Parson.

  5. Happy Fourth of July, or as the British call it: "Thursday."

    My neighborhood in upper Manhattan had plenty of fireworks. Late at night. Like 2 am. Since I had to be at work at 6 I was not pleased.

    But other than that, hell yes. Fourth of July. Fireworks. Barbecues. Patriotism. 'Murica, baby!

  6. There is not much better than a small town parade. That Senior bus is a hoot!

  7. We hear that you are unwell... recovery soon. Antifa could attack the compound if you're sick and helpless.

  8. "Antifa could attack the compound if you're sick and helpless."

    Haven't made the trip yet, but figure I'm about an hour out if backup is needed. Or just a friendly face to break the boredom.
