Sunday, July 21, 2019

Born To Ride

I ended up saying two Masses today from the, ahem, walker and liked it. A week ago that wouldn't have been possible and now it is. So there's hope for us all.

Speaking of hope, perhaps you've noticed that Pedo Epstein's been denied bail; he's languishing in solitary while the Squad's busy making the Democrats look good. D'ye think he'll be trying to cut some kind of deal, and will it involve the Clintons who notoriously enjoyed the hospitality of Orgy Island, to say nothing of hedge funds.

Well, we'll see. In the meanwhile, more children than ever before in history ever have miraculously decided they don't belong to their biological gender, so they're lining up to get sex changes. Leaving aside the parental role in this new wave castration, are we living in the Village of the Damned?

Perhaps we are, in a society driven insane by Satan and the infernal illogic of the Pit. By contrast, be stable and steadfast in the Faith, and be sure that the gates of Hell won't prevail. 

Your Friend,



  1. Mass from a walker? That must have been interesting.

    I personally know one trans who was in my religious ed classes. She also served at Mass. I refer to her/him? now as a suicide waiting to happen. Not stable. No siree...

  2. I never (ever) even considered that castration might be a great idea as a young man. Now that I'm an older gentleman (as defined by Congress), it's still not on the table. Maybe that's why the Squad, and the Bay Area based Google hates me?

  3. 1) All things must pass.

    2) Are they worried about Epstein skipping out or are they worried about him being suicided? Then again, the Haiti official who was in Miami to testify against the clintons, and in protective custody somehow found a way to commit artificial suicide...

    Man-O-Man, I think there are some Interesting people that Epstein has on Video... I can't imagine he survives.

    3) Given that trannies commit suicide at a rate of 41%, this should be a problem that takes care of itself. Hey, let's also stop producing Narcanne.

  4. Walkin' Talkin' Preacher! Well done!

  5. Glad you're up and around, at least in a walker. Epstein would either bolt or 'commit suicide', thanks to Billary if he gets out.

  6. The burning question is how does the walker impact your fishing?

  7. Jules, mission accomplished. Btw, check out Deadwod if you haven't already. Good once you get past the stoopid swearing.

  8. NFO, I wouldn't want to be Eppy right about not. And what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and...
