Thursday, June 13, 2019

War Drums?

Did Iran, perhaps via its Houthi proxies in Yemen, attack two tankers in the Gulf of Oman this morning? US and Saudi officials have suggested they did but if so, why; to provoke a crippling war with the US?

That doesn't seem to make much sense, perhaps the villain is another "state actor" altogether.

I don't know about you but going to war on behalf of the Wahhabi meteorite guardians doesn't sound too appealing. Didn't they have something to do with 9/11?




  1. Oh my. A lot of light being shined in a lot of corners lately. Cockroaches scurrying everywhere. We are now a net oil exporter. Could the House of Saud be that nervous? Their motivations are tribal and ancient. I vote we keep the sea lanes open and let the locals settle their own affairs. Someone may take some pot-shots at our navy, but it is a mistake they will only make once.

    1. I'm with you, RHT. And let's see more light, please.

  2. If they were Saudi tankers, seems they should take care of it.

    1. We can always sell them the ordance to do so, Linda...

  3. One must always explore motive. Who has the most to gain.

  4. Turned out it was mines, but who put them there and if mines, you don't really know who's boat is going to find one with its hull..

    1. Kid, didn't one of the captains(?) say his ship was hit by "flying objects"?

  5. It's obvious to me that the mullahs are behind this: they send their proxy's to blow things up, and do their best to keep their fingerprints off of the dirt.

    Oil prices go up, what little oil they are able to sell gets more dinars, the mullahs need dinars, done deal.

    Except that the proxys are sloppy, leave fingerprints, and as Homer Simpson would say, 'Doh!!"

    Time to sink all of Iran's ships, submarines and blockade the toilet that is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    1. I'm no fan, Fredd. Mind you, the Saudi head choppers leave something to be desired too.

  6. Replies
    1. Kid, note the timing of an anti weapons to Saudi Arabia bill... just a thought.

  7. There is video of the iranians pulling an unexploded mine off the side of the ship. Flying mines? Not sue how it would get on the ship feet above the water line.

    Yes, timing.

    Also the DOD budget bill passed yesterday.
