Monday, June 3, 2019

Trump Rips The Khan And Visits The Queen

Uplifted and strengthened by Zadok and Elizabeth II's coronation, the Compound turns its watchful eye to Trump's UK state visit. And to be sure, POTUS wasted no time, blasting the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, in a series of tweets before he'd even landed at Stanstead.

Dubbing Khan a "stone cold loser" who had "done a terrible job as Mayor of London," the social media savvy President compared the short Muslim leftist to "our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height."

Trump and America's popular and glamorous First Lady then went on to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace and inspect the guard, while the Royal Horse Artillery and the Honorable Artillery Company fired an 82 gun salute. As one pundit put it, "Melania gleamed and the Queen beamed."

You can't blame HRH, it has to be a relief to visit with Trump and Melania after the last two comsymp, globalist dupe shill mountebanks. And who knows, perhaps Great Britain's Sovereign isn't a big fan of crime explosion Sadiq.

Trump has the dubious pleasure of meeting with Theresa Traitor May after various state functions. Will the President enjoy telling Traitor May about forthcoming witch hunt hoax declassification, and the attempted coup which MI6 and GCHQ had nothing whatsoever to do with?

Good question, I would. In the meanwhile, well done POTUS for flying the flag and supporting UK Brexit sovereignty over the dead, NWO Illuminati elite hand of Brussels.

MAGA and the UK too,



  1. Melania looked particularly radiant. Since she the honorary colonel of the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irregular), she was representing the USA and the regiment.

  2. Look at those beautiful flags in their plenty, wafting side by side! As it should be! I hope Trump is enjoying all our pomp and pageantry! I thought I would have been called in to drive him around now I have a Ford Pick Up!

  3. Juliette, I'm surprised you haven't been asked, some miscommunication? But what a great flagscape!

  4. LL, the troops are very pleased.

  5. Melania is resplendent as always, this Monday.

  6. Trump as president until he finds a suitable replacement ! Dang, I love this guy as much as I hate the beast so it's like a 200% win. Yep, Kahn is less than worthless. Macron even worse imo.

    1. Kid, I think there's something especially wrong about Macron. What an NWO bankster puppet shill.

  7. Once Jules puts her Arizona stickers on her Ford, I’m sure the President will pay more attention. Khan (king of London) May not agree.

    1. Dammit LL, I need to send some Texas stickers. Maybe that'll help.

  8. The London-based, lefty, Remainer British establishment is so salty today. Every media outlet is frothing at the President and madly spinning fake news. They are more triggered than Roy Roger's horse. The British elite have been Tangoed and the rest of Britain is laughing at them.

    1. As well they should, Anon. I enjoyed the balloon popping episode. Nice.

  9. I read that the Buckingham Palace guards were impressed with Melania's unflappability.

    1. Ed, the Brigade of Guards loves Melania. And nice for HRH too, after the last one...

  10. A day to remember!

    "Please watch the video of the official reception at Buckingham Palace. The troops are from the Grenadier Guards Regiment of the Household Division. President Trump when escorted by the commander of troops to inspect the guard of honor asks the Grenadier officer if he may speak to the men. After a moment's thought the commander responds in the affirmative and Trump chats his way down the lines speaking with astonished soldiers. Prince Charles finally joins in the conversation. Trump's exchange at the end of the front rank with the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Grenadier Guards must have been a wonderful moment. The two companies of the Guards then passed in review behind "Here's Health Unto Her Majesty ," and "The British Grenadier," (their regimental march.)

    Pilgrims, I have been in a hell of a lot of parades, guard mounts and the like and IMO the president's desire to talk to the men was altogether charming. pl"

    From here:

  11. Dear me, it comes to something when the President of the United States can be bothered to spend time on responding to the Mayor of London....why bother?
