Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Best First Lady?

Who is the best First Lady?

Mitchell or Melania?

You, the reader, be the judge.

Your Pal,



  1. Class vs no class? You are being sarcastic, aren't you?

  2. Melania is in a class by herself.

  3. You're not being fair to Moochelle, Reverend: she has photos out there wearing much prettier gunny sacks than those above.

  4. I think there's no question given the choices here. Some first ladies have conducted themselves well, regardless of what you may think of their husbands' performance. Both Bush ladies come to mind. Others, notably the one between the Bushes, not so well. Nice to have class back.

  5. Well, Mishael with 23 assistants and Melania with just a couple. And nothing these evil pieces of human garbage throw at Melania even phases her. I'm not wild about First Ladies being activist because we didn't elect them but Melania's focus on bulling for sure is the right focus for these ankle biters today. They can't handle real life and it doesn't take much to get them into a school with semi-auto rifle shooting the place up.

    Melania is fantastic, the other one still stuck in a ghetto mindset. Him/her and her queer hubby both are ghetto at best.

    Fredd, I like the pic of Mishael out on the White House lawn dressed in dirty shorts and top from K-mart walking the dog.

    Definitely some vids out there showing something behind the dress in front that shouldn't be there. Doctored ? You be the judge.

  6. WSF, did you notice how Michelle blends into the curtains?

  7. I'd 2nd that, LL, and she's also Hon. Col. of the unit, which is appropriate by anyone's standards.

  8. But Fredd, this is impartial news!

  9. I totally agree, Jim. At last, she's devout, too.

  10. Kid, I'm not a betting man, but the monkey says the vids are REAL.

  11. Parson: you are to impartial what sumo wrestlers are to skinny. And don't get me wrong, that's not a bad thing.

    And that's referring to the impartial thing: I'm sure sumo wrestlers have a lot going for them - they usually get to take elevators by themselves, they have no concern about getting blown over in high winds, and are not concerned with the calorie content of a Snickers Bar, they've got all of that going for them.
