Saturday, June 8, 2019

Rural Rebound?

Anyone who's driven through upstate New York, Montana or the corridor of asset-stripped destruction that is the Dallas/Waco thoroughfare will know that all's not well with rural America. Hillsboro, Texas is a case in point.

Once 20,000 strong, this town's lucky to muster 8k today and all because our friends in the NWO, Illuminati elite shipped cotton away to India in a frenzy of bottom line bully profiteering. So, no jobs in the rural haven? Move to Dallas or Waco, and off they went. Then what.

Dallas becomes a congested nightmare and housing prices go through the roof such that only our socialist millionaire globalist overlords can live above the common horde, or can they? Not really. The roads are awful, you're surrounded by the common people you hate and despise, and everything's appalling. 

I know, it's all calm and soothing at the horrific neo-tudor monstrosity you call a "club" and pay 20++ grand a year for the privilege of using, but then you have to get on the tollway and reality sets in in. 

Despite all your cash you're living in some kind of bad, low class dream. I mean, really. What's the point of all that loot when you have to share the traffic jam with all the proles you hate?

Solution. Move to the country. Housing's stupidly cheap, you can work from home, insofar as you do work, and the standard of life's so much higher. 

Hey presto, Das Kapital's injected into what's left of the community your crew helped to destroy and once rural ghetto becomes mighty fancy.

And that's not bad, these country towns need cash. But here's the thing, where will all your servants stay, seeing as they won't be able to afford to live in the towns you've colonized; in house?

For what it's worth, I predict unrest.



  1. For years and years rural America's consistent export is young people. No jobs.

  2. The elite upper crust is abandoning DFW?

    1. Well, DFW cash is certainly buying up country property, drjim. There's some benefit because it means houses getting fixed up but locals get priced out, sadly.

  3. Such is progress, Reverend. Money is like water: it seeks it's own level, wherever that may be, like it or not.

    The Dallas/Fort Worth metro area is just such a place where all the money seemed to want to be, mainly oil driven but cotton money also from the dying days of the Dust Bowl. If you have ever lived in or around Los Angeles, this lower quality of life has been the choice of millions, so how low could it be in reality if these millions choose to put up with the congestion? Their choice was to remain poor in the country and breath the crisp, clean air, or pull down some serious scratch in Dallas and fight the traffic.

    Just like our pal, LL, who put up with the hell hole that is LA for decades and now has taken the fruits of his labor to the mountains of AZ in his golden years, his servants will be well paid and live nearby, but not so close as to set off the Claymore mines that dot the perimeter of his compound.

    Rural rebound, I doubt it. Money doesn't like to hang around dust, or so it would seem.

    1. Fredd, you have a point and a good one.

      Me? Need more and better servants, obviously. Blue and the Cadet can only go so far...

  4. We run into it around here as well. The upper crust in KC gets tired of the crowds up there so they buy land out here taking farm land out of production. Then they complain about what the gravel roads do to the BMW. Guess who they want to pay for the chip and seal.

    1. I don't blame them, Jim. Who wouldn't want a pleasant country retreat away from the 'sprawl.

      Does put wear on the BMW's tires though.

  5. Replies
    1. It's not all bad, Ed, I was on a bit of a tear... but I'd like to see this town fixed up.

  6. My vision of hell on earth is living in a large metropolitan area. Hillsboro looks just fine to me.

    Also - the thought of Texas turning blue is so painful to me as to cause my chest to seize up like a giant fist has slammed into it. No longer will I be able to brag that I'm "half Texan." It's certainly not the Houston I lived in anymore.

    The progs are mighty busy destroying Post Falls/Coeur d'Alene. The traffic here is horrendous now and they keep building, building, building. At our age there's nowhere left to go. I soothe myself by repeating the mantra: 2 minutes to gym, 4 minutes to WallyWorld, 5 minutes to grocery store, and 10 minutes to Costco.

    Congrats on the Cadet being all sworn in :-)

  7. And..............Happy Pentecost! I love the Holy Spirit!

    1. And with thy spirit, Adrienne!

      Please, God, don't let the progs take over Texas.

      Remember Beto and Abortion Barbie? Close run things.

  8. As usual, I agree 100% with Fredd. I put up with living in Lost Angeleez for 35 years. When I had a good job, I endured it. After I retired I felt trapped.

    We were blessed that we were able to CALEXIT, but now we have to get involved to "Keep Colorado RED!".....

  9. Fredd has an excellent grasp of my agenda.

    I think that the arrival of G5 internet will allow for more home businesses but urban hells are where the money is.

  10. I did read, just don't know what to say.
    Praise God and God bless.

  11. It's a very powerful agenda, LL, and has a lot going for it.

    I like the "mountain command and control center" concept. And, despite the post, I'm pretty sanguine about Hillsboro. Getting the hoise painted helps, of course.
