Friday, May 24, 2019

Musical Interlude

note incredibly annoying Dylan wannabe at the end

Here at the Compound we're pleased to announce that Theresa TRAITOR May has resigned. We're only making plans for... NIGEL, and 45's announced Declass.

Rock on,



  1. BREXIT, the election of Donald Trump, the insipid revolution in France, and the simmering discontent in Germany are all manifestations of the push back against the illuminati - the global elites. They never felt that the common people would object to their machinations, (build the wall, lock Her up, MAGA) in sufficient numbers to make a difference.

    In America there are the progressive cities that glory in the murder of babies, in buggering each other, and in living with filth. The map shows these little dots of wickedness amid a sea of people who don't see things that way.

    Good luck with your next job, May.

  2. LL, could it be that the people have had enough of their Illuminati overlords?

    Sure looks that way. In the meanwhile, the US is leading the free world charge, even Brits are saying DRAIN THE SWAMP.

    Right on, and let's see a few of these malefactors locked up for treason. For that matter, maybe it's time to restart witch trials?


  3. Boris or Gove. Hopefully Boris. There is unrest in Blighty!
