Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Democrat Party Run By Satan

Is the Democrat Party possessed and directed by Satan? Duck Commander star Phil Robertson certainly thinks so, telling Brietbart News Daily that the party of failed Candidate Hillary Clinton was run by the "Evil One."

Here at the Compound we believe the Duck Commander's right, consider the evidence.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Lies. For example, claiming that an American ambassador was killed in Benghazi because of a video, or that President Trump is a Kremlin spy. Who is the Father of Lies? Satan.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Abortion, right up to the point of birth and even beyond. Satan, a murderer from the beginning, loves infant sacrifice, see Moloch.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Transsexualism. The demon Baphomet is notoriously trans. The Democrat Party is the Party of Death. Infanticide aside, how big is the Clinton body count? 

The Democrat Party is the Party of Ritual Occult Magic. Remember Spirit Cooking? Sure you do, and the response? An ennui filled "so what?"

And on. No wonder, then, that Satanists and Witches love the Democrats and regularly curse and hex our President. And, as the demons are consumed with insane hatred, so too are the Democrats who shriek, howl, rage and gnash their teeth in a frenzy of hate.

You see, like the infernal legion itself, the Democrats aren't in power. Let's keep it that way and in the meanwhile, watch on as Satan discards its flailing toys.

Your Friend,



  1. Hmm. It occurs to me that therein lies their greatest weakness. As they flail, every toy for itself. Their fear ever rules them, and they must kept a constant watch behind them. We know fear as well, but it does not rule us. We put our faith in each other, and need only look ahead.

  2. I's say fear, hatred and thwarted ambition defines them, RHT. And yes, every person in the hierarchy of hatred keeps one thrashing eye open for the knife in the back.

    Similar, when you reflect on it, to the upper echelons of the NDSAP, cannibals all. But regardless, we look ahead, resolute, with hope.

  3. Evil by any name seeks a weakness to exploit.

  4. And they say that WE are the evil ones. Still another lie.

  5. Yes, the Democrat Party is lousy with demons and run by Beelzebub himself. But it was not always so: I am old enough to remember the last decent, God fearing Democrat that sought the presidency (no, not Jimmy Carter; God fearing maybe, but not decent). That would be Hubert H. Humphrey, who lost to Dick Nixon in 1968. That was awhile ago. Since then, the party has been in the grip of evil (Jimmy Carter excepted, he's just a moron).

  6. Meanwhile Harry Truman and John Kennedy look on from the grave in disbelief at what has happened to their party.

  7. Anyone who revels in the blood of the innocent unborn, or who advocates killing living babies is part of the "system of the beast". How can it be otherwise?

  8. I never watch things like TV news or Cspan, but when they were doing the Kavanaugh hearings, I was home sick, so I turned it on to see a bit of the process of getting a [hopefully] solid Conservative on the court. Let me tell you, looking at the democrats on that panel made me feel like I was Literally looking into the depths of hell. And the beast wasn't even with them of course. The whole party are bats out of hell. Anytime I happen to see them anywhere, I get that same sense of looking into the depths of hell.

    Some people might say it's politics. It is not 'politics' when you are willing to do to Kavanaugh what they did, using the biggest piece of lying s* to come along in a long long time who didn't know when, where, how she got there or home but knew who even though none of her 'witnesses' backed up her story one iota, and her one time boyfriend tells us she is a lying sack of human garbage. To bring that to that hearing was stunning to someone who doesn't get stunned.

    They are literally from hell, and I trust they will be returned there at some point.

    To the beast: Yep, hasn't told the truth about anything since she was 1 second old. Off to a college commencement speech yesterday or today, the beast spent the whole time bitching about the election and Trump. Even the libtard kids (I'm assuming they are) had looks on their faces like "Huh?"

  9. Destruction is their hallmark, WSF.

  10. JIm, the lies are endless.

  11. Jim, they're consumed with deceit, like their Leader.

  12. Ah, Fredd, Jimmy Carter!

    Remember Jimmy's Iran raid? That was a resounding success.

  13. They have to be spinning, Infidel. I mean to say, good Lord. But just remember, gender's a construct.

  14. Kid, I totally agree.

    Then there's the BEAST. Did you notice its purple cape thing? Sorry, BEAST, you didn't win and maybe, just maybe you'll be held to account in this life.

    I know, fond imagining, but we hope.

  15. Maybe like Al Capone it/they will be convicted of tax evasion and die of syphlis in prison......

  16. Forget the word Democrats. Go with DemonRats or DemonCrats.

    I agree with the commenter above who mentioned Hubert Humphrey.

    And one more this...Remember when Joe Lieberman left the Democrat Party? He knew what he saw and backed away.
