Sunday, May 19, 2019


Here at the Compound we hope you enjoy this infographic as much as we do. Did the dog enjoy his daring raid on the burger patties? Yes, that goes without saying, and we didn't scorn the result of the grill either.

Perfect Manassas burgers, seared on the outside, medium rare in the midst. Life-giving, and that's putting it mildly.




  1. I used to live in Manassas VA, and I never heard of a Manassas burger. Of course, I don't get out much.

    Q: What were residents of Manassas called?
    A: Manass-holes.

    I didn't get it.

    Clueless Fredd

    1. I've never been to Manasassas, Fredd, but I have been to Richmond. It sure seemed skanky.

  2. There's nothing like a good burger, LSP. Did Blue Brigand nab a few?

  3. Side note: while living near Bull Run, the residents there still haven't gotten over the results of the Civil War, or as they call it, "The War of Northern Aggression." One of my lasting memories was the first time I visited the Bull Run memorial, and a woman was weeping inconsolably at the base of the statue of Stonewall Jackson. This was in 1997 or so; 132 years after the fighting was over.

    Those Rebs have long, LONG memories. They still hate Yankees. Or 'DAMNED Yankees,' as they call us. Must be something about Gen. Sherman burning the south to the ground, I guess that would piss me off for a long time, too.

  4. Memories do seem to run deep, Fredd. What was it Churchill said?

    "War is hell said Sherman. He certainly made ot so." Something like that.

    My mother married a "dam yankee" back in the 1960s. I think it caused a stir...

  5. A properly cooked burger SHOULD be medium rare, juicy and tender. I never understood those who grill the flavor completely out of them.

  6. I like my burgers medium rare and thick on a grill toasted bun with half mayo and half Frank's red hot sauce underneath, whatever ya want on top. You don't get any heat just the flavor.

    Heinz Genuine dills on the side. They're a sour dill. I just don't care for the other dills.

  7. A rich friend of mine has a mansion that backs up to the Bull Run battlefield. I’ve stayed there and just walked the place. Hallowed ground.

  8. Charge. Yes. Flying that white star along side that flag.

    Start here?

  9. Good link, RHT, thanls for that. Postworthy.
