Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Do Aliens Live Among Us?

Are space creatures from another planet alive and well and living among us, hiding in plain sight? Here's a small sample:

Maxine Waters, faked-up, corrupt civil rights buffoon, or space alien from the Clown Nebula?

America's favorite hands-on uncle or weirdly creepy ET?

Looks like a clergyperson, xenologists say Grey.

Another Reverend, or would that be a Planet Tawana Reptilian?

Some argue traitorous NWO, Illuminati, Bankster Cabal earth woman, others think differently.

Are these human beings, earth persons in positions of power and influence, or space creatures from another planet?

You decide,



  1. If they are aliens, do they have a Green card?

  2. Yes, they are aliens. I bet they carry ray guns under their clothes. ANd have retracting antennae like Uncle Martin (Ray Walston) in 'My Favorite Martian."

    I say we dissect them to see what makes them tick. Assuming they don't blast us first with those damned ray guns....

  3. I'm with Fredd. Disection is the only way to be sure.

  4. Perhaps that old film, Invaders From Mars, was a warning.

  5. It's clearly an open borders scenario, WSF.

  6. Good point, Fredd. But when we open them up, will there be anything inside?

  7. Kid, if true, that's terrifying.

  8. They seem undecided, Ed. Some say "yes, they're ETs alright." Others say "no, that's just a gang of corrupt, NWO power frauds."

    Perhaps they're both?

  9. I'm inclined that way too, LL.
