Thursday, March 14, 2019

You Better Start Fasting

Fasting's an important weapon in the spiritual armory, helping us to beat back and subdue the sins of the flesh. "Their god is the belly," says the Apostle to the Philippians, and their "end is destruction." 

With that in mind, fasting's recommended by Christ who tells the lackluster disciples that certain demons can only be driven out by "prayer and fasting."

Of course the practice is recommended by the Fathers, here's St. Basil:

Fasting gives birth to prophets and strengthens the powerful; fasting makes lawgivers wise. Fasting is a good safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes. Fasting repels temptations, anoints unto piety; it is the comrade of watchfulness and the artificer of chastity. In war it fights bravely, in peace it teaches stillness.

Well said, that Saint, and I've been trying to take the Lenten fast more seriously this year; get real in the fight against evil, LSP. At least two things have happened.

I've been shooting more and Andrew Weissmann's resigned from Mueller's witch hunt. Coincidence?

You be the judge,




Morris Dees Fired From SPLC For Misconduct, Internal Climate in Question. Prayer And Fasting Work.


  1. Keep up the good work. The Southern Prespostures Lie Center fired Morris Dees!

  2. Whoa! I'd better redouble the effort, this obviously works.

  3. There are different fasts, and some people confuse them with diets. The difference between a fast and a diet rests mainly with intent. I don't think that there is a beer and pizza fast, for example.

    Solid effort in getting Morris booted. I'm sure that he'll go to a seven figure job at Planned Parenthood or something of the like. He'd fit in, killing babies for a living.

  4. Thank you, Parson.
    I looked at your link. One sentence at the end caught my eye: in which all voices are heard.. Really? All voices?

  5. I fast every lent. If you can make it through the first day it gets easier.

    Now I just have to work on fasting with joy.

  6. Does giving up drinking beer and wine count? I am mid sixties and yesterday dragged three 55 gallon drums of sawdust down the hill to dump, unloaded the lumber delivery by hand, and was behind the saw and planer and shaper all day. They were plastic drums, and the lumber was only a few hundred board feet , but they did load a pile of plywood on top I had to move first, but still- If I gave up coffee and eating I would be flat on my face on the shop floor. Does anyone really put in a hard physical day of work and not eat?

  7. We have to take the war to the enemy, LL, and so far it's been a good push. Rosenstein resigns, Dees booted, CPL's law firm bankrupt and Ohio defunding Planned Parenthood. Still a long way to go though.

    And yes, different than a diet.

  8. Well spotted, Linda, and how many more heads will roll at the SPLC?

  9. Easier said than done, Infidel, I know this. But think of the benefits, perhaps that helps.

  10. Raven, as I understand it, the fasting obligation ends after you're 59 so you're alright on that score. Also the fast takes into account manual labor and various obligations; I'd simply recommend no meat on Wednesdays and Fridays and whatever else you're up for without causing an injury. Me? Entirely appropriate on several levels to radically cut back!

    But you know what they say, no gain without pain, and consider the gain. Worth it. Got rid of Dees, for a start.

  11. Fasting, as defined by the Church, is pretty much how I eat anyway. I even have teeny little plates (7" with 5" for the actual food) that I use for lunch and sometimes breakfast. So what I do is delay breakfast until almost lunch time, put a few little things on my teeny little plate, and call it good until dinner.

    I dutifully ate my Costco Ultimate Fish Sticks last night for dinner. Not much of a sacrifice...

  12. I like fish sticks, Adrienne, I have to say. But fasting aside, tomorrow's a feast day, I'm looking forward to that.
