Sunday, March 17, 2019

Beto For Prez!

He skateboards, wears a frock, was a hacker, played bass or something, thinks he's Kennedy but has gross teeth, married into big money, is a millionaire socialist and thinks we need to tear down the wall because a country having a border is fascist.

Beto wants to lead the world as President of the United States. Does this faux Mexican sandwich know no bounds? Apparently not, such are the wages of cheese, lettuce and tomato in a handy fake bolo.

Still, at least he's a socialist, despite being white and a man, kind of. So what's this celebrity commie's net worth? Only about $9 million as of 2015. 

See, the beauty of socialism is that the really rich people get to run it because they're so wise and know so much more than you. That's why they grow these cool beards.

Let's hope this rich commie jackass runs 2020, alongside every other freak, weirdo and misfit the Democrats are pushing for supreme power of the most powerful country on earth.

I tell you, when the wheels come off it won't look pretty.

Your friend,



  1. Replies
    1. That's our Beto, Jules. Is he a man, a sandwich, a Mexican or Napoleon Dynamite?

  2. Only $9,000,000? Put him in office and he'll fix that. I seem to recall that it was once said of LBJ that he came to Washington to do good and did quite well indeed.

  3. I think that the whole Napoleon Dynamite -> Bobby O'Rorque (fake Mexican) thing is interesting. There was an election in the feature Film Napoleon Dynamite too. Life imitating art or art imitating life?

    1. Good question, LL, and it raises another. What kind of shelf life does a Beto sandwich actually have?

      If form follows function, perhaps we should be glad of this live installation.

  4. The stupid of the left knows no bounds. Pray for us, padre!

  5. The thing that bother's me most is the demonrats who happily ignore everything bad with their candidates, while heaping hot coals on the heads of conservatives for most times doing nothing bad at all.

    1. They're a hypocritical crew, Linda. And then there's the RINOs.

  6. When I look at the pathetic carbon based life forms the dems are thinking of running, I chuckle, but then I chuckled at obama in 2008 too.

  7. That, Kid, is a salutary lesson.
