Monday, February 25, 2019

What Fresh Hell is This?

The Senate did not pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today, the bill failed 53-44. It would have prevented doctors from killing babies born after a failed abortion, which is apparently legal at the present time. 

Democrats were almost unanimously opposed to the law because they felt it was harmful to "womens health." Several Republicans voted with them and you can read about it here.

There's something stunning, at least to me, about such blatant and unapologetic evil. Hell, if you like, is erupting from the cracks and crevices of the ground we walk on, a ground that used to be Christian and clearly isn't anymore.

The next time someone tells you, "You don't have to be Christian to be good," refer them to the babies that are killed every day with government funding, your funding, right up to the point of birth and beyond. Then watch them twist and turn like a writhing snake in their attempt to justify this horror.

I tell you, Satan openly, brazenly stalks the land. But remember this, the gates of Hell will not prevail against the onslaught of the Church. 

About time she woke up,



  1. Welcome to the hell of a post Christian representative republic. Jesus save us!

  2. I find the current trends in "women's health" to be disturbing. Babies have no voice. There is no movement for "baby health or baby rights". The old adage, "mother knows best," clearly doesn't apply in our modern age where the unabashed slaughter of the unborn is taken to new heights.

  3. Failure to pass this is downright barbaric. It's interesting to note that the people voting against it were mostly against the private ownership of firearms. They prefer their victims to be helpless.

  4. Welcome to the United States of Pagan America.

  5. There is a clear north/south divide if you map the votes on this bill.

  6. Pewster, I couldn't agree more and yes, I've noticed the N/S divide on this. Curious, eh?

  7. LL, I shouldn't be taken aback by this wickedness but I am. There'll be a price to pay and a big one.

  8. "downright barbaric" -- well said, Jim. They can't wait to confiscate all the guns as they kill babies. Do you remember Hillary gushing about "the children!" in almost the same breath as she pledged undying support to Planned Parenthood?

    Satan's driven them insane.

  9. Infidel, at least the old pagans came by it naturally, perhaps. These people are in deliberate revolt. It's the damndest thing, literally.

  10. I can understand Democrats voting to kill this bill; they are all Godless heathens, who are on in the fast lane to hell fire and damnation. If they are lucky.

    But Republicans? God Lord, who are these soulless ghouls? Don't tell me: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkoski, and maybe Mitch McConnell?

  11. Read an article today about the state of the health system in Ireland compared to the rest of Europe (i.e. EU). Evidently it's not great, but the article pointed out that Ireland gained a few points because it legalized abortion last year. If you gain points for allowing abortion then there's something seriously wrong with the system. What's horrifying to me is that I've talked to several very religious people over here, albeit Jesuits, who voted for the repeal of the 8th Amendment (which protected the sanctity of both the unborn and the mother equally) because they said "who are they to tell someone what they can do?" If dedicated Catholics can say that with a straight face then we're doomed.

  12. Sorry if this is a double post, got an error

    I always say, If you want a trash pile cleaned up, make it so big it can't be ignored. We're gettin there.
