Saturday, January 12, 2019

Yellow Vests At It Again!

It's bizarre, but the French people are out on the streets again to protest their out of touch, elite, smug, venal, mendacious banking aristocracy.

They're perversely unhappy with being the most taxed country in the world, when every enlightened progressive knows that the more you're taxed the richer you'll be. It's like global warming or climate change, the hotter it gets the colder it is.

The foolish French don't seem to get this impeccable lib logic, so they're taking out speed cameras, rioting, driving fork lifts into financial institutions and planning a bank run against their globalist rulers.

Paul Joseph Watson comments:

Again, I'll ask you to imagine what this kind of protest would look like in the US. Bets on rather ugly, rather quickly.

I'm not betting man, but I'll wager the fighting monkey on Macron not staying around much longer, eh?

Guinea on the monkey!



  1. I think that the French are only a few more mass-riots away from having the military in charge of the government again. Most French won't admit it; but their whole history since the Revolution has been utopian out-of-touch elites running the country into the ground before a general had to step in and restore order.

  2. It's going to be interesting, especially with the muslims ramping up their hate and discontent...

  3. Every the French have had enough of globalism!

  4. The elites did it to themselves. I have no sympathy for them.

  5. And it was just a few months ago, Mrs Macron was bragging to Melania how she can just go walk anywhere in Paris she wanted... Wonder what she thinks now.

    America would get very ugly. I'd say the level of stupidity will serve to ramp up the violence. Let's get this thing going. Spread the word to the left and the media people that the only safe place left for them is Canadia.

  6. We need to air-drop the yellow vests some guns and grenades, not unlike what we did for the French Resistance during WW2. PS, don't give any to the Muslims.

  7. But WSF, how DARE they revolt against a Green Tax?!?

  8. That, Night Wind, is a very good point, and the generals don't seem too happy with globalist puppet Macron.

  9. I think they're in for a bit of a ride, NFO. Raise tax and all the workers rise up, don't raise tax and the Muslim ghettos rise up. My feeling is the latter are on the losing side of the equation.

    Mind you, now that Macron's gone all Aachen with Merkel, the Bundeswehr might be invited to step in and restore order on behalf of the banks.

    Both scenarios have a disturbing kind of precedent.

  10. AOW, did you notice the FREXIT posters in the infovideo?

  11. Kid, you make a number of excellent points:

    i. Drive the comsymp left to Canada -- tick.

    ii. America would get very ugly, especially given raging cross-spectrum stupidity -- tick.

    iii. Melania vindicated, leaving Brigitte La Trolle looking like... just that -- tick.

    All positive except for #ii. Maybe we'll somehow avoid a nasty reset?

  12. I like that suggestion a lot because it's all about taking the war to the enemy in a practical way. Real world solution for a real world problem, but consider this.

    Now that we've got a SPACE FORCE we can deliver munitions from high orbit. Guns, grenades and, when needed, RODS FROM GOD.


  13. LSP, Bottom line I believe the left would quickly realize they are not up to the task. That's my bet.

  14. LSP,
    I noticed.

    The winds of change blowing across Europe. It remains to be seen what the consequences will be. Globalists, holding the reins of power, will not willingly surrender those reins.

  15. AOW -- we're looking at a world of trouble. I don't say that lightly. As for the globalist goon shills of the NWO... well, good riddance.
