Monday, January 14, 2019

Wireless Wave Energy

Imagine there was a source of free electricity, drawn from the earth itself and then transmitted around the world wirelessly. Nikola Tesla famously thought it could be done and so does Viziv Technologies, formerly Texzon.

Viziv believes this can be done via a Zenneck wave, an electromagnetic wave which uses the surface of the earth as a waveguide, carrying communications signals and power efficiently across the globe, all without wires.

Here's a helpful infovid on the concept:

Will Viziv in cooperation with Baylor Research and associated investors deliver on their promise of free wireless energy, fulfilling the great Tesla's vision? And will all that free energy end up free for you, the end user?

Good question, in the meanwhile Viziv's built a large Tesla Tower  or "transmitter probe" not too far from the Compound, and should be testing the Zenneck wave now. I've got a good mind to drive over and check it out.

Any similarity between Nikola Tesla and the man featured on the sleeve art of the classic hit Don't Fear The Reaper is entirely coincidental.

Power to the People,



  1. Nothing is free or fair, so I'm confident that the "free energy" envisioned by the investors there in Texas hope to reap (or rape as the case may be) trillions in profits. I'm not a communist so I am not angry at the thought of paying for free energy. It's not cold fusion, but it's certainly worth a shot.

    The French are working on hot fusion (also called 'fusion') reaction technology that holds significant promise.

    Will all this usher in an "Age of Aquarius" that the Fifth Dimension sang about in the 60's-

    When the moon is in the Seventh House
    And Jupiter aligns with Mars
    Then peace will guide the planets
    And love will steer the stars

    The short answer is that I don't know - but you shouldn't fear the reaper because you can't beat the clock.

  2. Makes me wonder about the effects on us humans. I do believe radio waves from cell phones can affect us adversely. I'm hoping it neuters the millennials.

  3. Telsa was correct about many things. Let us hope.

  4. Free electricity would be nice. But then how do the investors make money?
    Tesla could have succeeded; but the commercial power companies didn't want that, I am pretty sure.

    Still, it's bound to be a grand light show...

  5. drjim, three words. YES, YES, YES.

  6. LL, you've brought it all home! Maybe we can't put it in words but we can sing you a song.

  7. Kid, just laughed. Out loud. Surely that's worth a haiku?

  8. I'm intrigued, WSF. Seriously.

  9. Linda, have a look at the principals in the company. I can't imagine they're not about some kind of ROI...

    Neat tech though, if true.

  10. Well, Ok.....

    I love tree barks most
    I love ants climbing tree barks
    Screw the democrats

  11. Telsa was right about A/C current vrs Edison's fixation with D/C current. His many experiments challenged other's beliefs. I'm always open to the ideas of those attacked by the "establishment". Telsa certainly was attacked.

    My grasp of science is too meager to argue any technical points other than A/C vrs D/C.

  12. Kid.That's an AWESOME haiku! And not to worry, I'll post it. Start of a campaign.

    The Dems cry hot tears
    Hillary lost the election
    We all sing and shout.

    About time poetry returned to the blogs.

  13. Same here, WSF, but Tesla keeps cropping up. I'll wager there's something in it. For free? Unlikely.

  14. The poetry on this blog is amazing.

    Hillary is Satan's Valentine,
    Her husband Bill bangs ANYTHING that walks on two legs.
    They are model Democrats.

  15. Yes, We should all start talking in Images, writing in Cursive, and displaying clock images when referring to time. The kids will think They're the ones in an alternate universe. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  16. Whoa! Kid!

    So you're in with GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN POETRY?

    I hope.

  17. I love anything associated with the government shutdown.

    I read that after 30 days they can keep any of the non-essentials from coming back. Don't know if that's true and didn't research it because I don't think Trump would make that leap.

  18. Kid, I read that too. Interesting.

    Shut. It. Down.

    And I like the leap but...
