Monday, January 7, 2019

We Are Ruled By Mercenaries

Tucker Carlson slams our ruling elite, Republican and Democrat. Here's a snapshot, via Real Clear Politics:

We are ruled by mercenaries who feel no long-term obligation to the people they rule. They’re day traders. Substitute teachers. They’re just passing through. They have no skin in this game, and it shows. They can’t solve our problems. They don’t even bother to understand our problems.

And again:

This is negligence on a massive scale. Both parties ignore the crisis in marriage. Our mindless cultural leaders act like it’s still 1961, and the biggest problem American families face is that sexism is preventing millions of housewives from becoming investment bankers or Facebook executives.

He concludes:

What kind of country do you want to live in? A fair country. A decent country. A cohesive country. A country whose leaders don’t accelerate the forces of change purely for their own profit and amusement. A country you might recognize when you’re old. A country that listens to young people who don’t live in Brooklyn. A country where you can make a solid living outside of the big cities. A country where Lewiston, Maine seems almost as important as the west side of Los Angeles. A country where environmentalism means getting outside and picking up the trash. A clean, orderly, stable country that respects itself. And above all, a country where normal people with an average education who grew up no place special can get married, and have happy kids, and repeat unto the generations. A country that actually cares about families, the building block of everything. 
What will it take a get a country like that? Leaders who want it. For now, those leaders will have to be Republicans. There’s no option at this point. But first, Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion. Market capitalism is a tool, like a staple gun or a toaster. You’d have to be a fool to worship it. Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets. Just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families isn’t worth having. A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. 
Internalizing this won’t be easy for Republican leaders. They’ll have to unlearn decades of bumper sticker-talking points and corporate propaganda. They’ll likely lose donors in the process. Libertarians are sure to call any deviation from market fundamentalism a form of socialism. That’s a lie. Socialism is a disaster. It doesn’t work. It’s what we should be working desperately to avoid. But socialism is exactly what we’re going to get, and soon, unless a group of responsible people in our political system reforms the American economy in a way that protects normal people. 
If you want to put America first, you’ve got to put its families first.

I think Carlson's right on target but that's just me, feel free to disagree.

Read the whole thing here or watch the movie.




  1. I thought he pretty much nailed it. Some slight quibbles, but overall right on the mark. It's been interesting (but not that surprising) to see the main street, Mitt Romney Repubs that he's aiming at dismiss what he had to say. Sure they might agree with one or two small points, but overall they think Tucker is way off the mark. Shows what they've learned in the past 3 years.

  2. Oh and great to see the 20 gauge getting some time out in the field. Glad to see your a convert to the 20. With today's ammo, there's virtually nothing it can't shoot and kill all without the kick and weight of a 12. Finding it tough to find a replacement over here in Ireland - everything is a 12.

  3. Exactly. And the RINO, commie socialist demonrats hate Tucker for this.

    As does fb because they won't let me share it. I will see if I can force it.

    Thank you, LSP.

  4. Mercenaries definitely is NOT the correct word. Mercenaries implies willingness to do service, to take real risk -- up to death -- in exchange for money. The "service" rendered unto us by our "betters" is the service that a bull does to a cow. Our "betters" see themselves as exactly that, apart from and superior to the rest of us, but the exact relationship is hard to define: we are not exactly slaves, nor cattle either, because the slaveowner or cattle owner has some interest in the well being of his property, if only out of economic interest.

    Exploiters might be a more correct term, but it's not entirely right either. It's a weird mix of short-sighted exploitation (e.g. what the LBO artists, hedge funders, and people like Bain Capital do -- though NB Mormons do NOT form the majority group of that class) and condescending attempts to "improve" our morality -- morality as seen from our betters' twisted perspective. A smart parasite takes pains to NOT kill its host. And so the short-sighted, kill-the-goose, greed surprises me, because our betters tend to be high-IQ types. But maybe their neuroticism, paranoia and fundamental insecurity/sense of eternal victimhood outweigh the high IQ for long term planning purposes. Also, for high IQ types our betters are astonishingly poor at introspection.

    As to Lewiston, Maine, it HAS received the careful attention of our betters. It is a dumping ground for Somalis. Lewiston went from 1.1% black/AA in 2000 to 8.7% in 2010. That increase is not from American blacks, it's Somalis. I drive up there at least once a year, just to see how things are "progressing".

  5. Another voice of reason that will probably be ignored. There are no adverse consequences to those he labels mercenaries.

  6. Carlson is a sharp guy. He knows what we're losing and that we gain nothing but pain in exchange. Never the less, the march of folly seems to be our legacy. (the historian Barbara Tuchman wrote a book with that title) There is a personal solution and that's to find a distant place that people haven't ever heard of and set up a compound of sorts. It's not being a preppier. It's going Galt. Yes, it's a bit of a cop out but the insanity runs very deep and I'm tired of the inner cities and suburbs of California where there seems to be no bottom to the depravity and rot.

  7. I have to add lawyers in this list of evil doers.

    Lawyers have destroyed the health care industry making it so expensive it is a beast. (I did a 45 day stay in hospital w/broken leg. 120 shots morphine, daily sponge bath, 2 surgeries - TOTAL cost 1,800.00 - 1968, today that would be over half a million at least) Friend was recently to hospital outpatient, was there 5 minutes to get a shot, medicare was billed 4,300.. insane.

    Lawyers have destroyed the products industry by forcing companies to make products suitable for people like alexandria cortez to operate without killing herself.

    Lawyers have FUBAR'd the entire country with the help of the politicos of course.

  8. LL, If it comes to it I'm thinking about Slovakia as they have made islam illegal, and if they'll take me.

  9. TC, some say Mittens is bought and paid for. Maybe so.

    But I'm a BIG convert to the 20 for all your reasons, thanks. Whatev, you'll find a nice 12 SxS in Ireland and go from there. Hope you're getting into the local hunting,I understand Ireland's more sensible than the mainland on that score...


  10. FB's banned LSP, Linda.Can't think why. Still, we soldier on.

  11. Mike C, doesn't sound as though Lewiston's doing too well, except in terms of Democrat votes. But let's stand back.

    How will the Maine libs feel when their votes start throwing lesbian theater collectives off the nearest tall building?

    Answer -- they'll convert to Islam because Empowering.

    Good merc point.

  12. Kid, I have to say...

    YES, YES, YES.

  13. Watched the video just this morning. Carlson seems to be spot on and I'm worried for the sake of my grandchildren. Their parents are rational, but other family members aren't.

  14. I was impressed, Jim, and for sure, it's worrying. I have two boys (in Canada...) and both are pretty sensible. The youngest is particularly unimpressed by the rainbow nonsense being peddled by his, ahem, catholic high school and thinks the pendulum will swing back to normalcy. Hope so.

  15. Thanks for putting it out here, I copied and pasted it to my FB page. What kind of response it will get is unknown, but since most of the folks I know are conservative thinkers I think they will be in agreement with him.
