Sunday, January 20, 2019


You'd think that a Roman Catholic diocese would support its faithful young people. Young people who cared enough about their faith to attend the March for Life in DC and were then attacked by leftists and vilified in the media.

Their crime? Just being there and daring to advertise their pro-life support of a pro-life president. Easily enough to set a crazed Indian drummer, some blacktivists, the ComDupe MillSoc press and, drum roll, the Diocese of Covington against them.

Far from supporting their own, the diocese slammed the teens and threatened expulsion for "behavior" that's opposed to "the Church's teachings." What, like standing up for the sanctity of life?

We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic high school students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person. The matter is being investigated and we will take appropriate action, up to and including expulsion. We know this incident also has tainted the entire witness of the March for Life and express our sincere apologies to all those who attended the March and those who support the pro-life movement.

But the kids didn't do anything wrong, they were attacked. Attorney Robert Barnes has offered to represent them for free if they decide to sue the New York Times and I hope they do.

In 2005, the Diocese of Covington agreed to pay up to $120 million to clergy sex abuse victims, mostly teenage boys but girls featured too.

Make of that what you will, I'm too angry to comment further. But know this, Diocese of Covington and all your apostate friends, we scorn you. I'm putting it politely.

Your Friend,



  1. Why haven't the leaders of the Diocese of Covington been excommunicated? That's what I want to know. Is the Catholic Church suddenly pro-abortion?

  2. Why I read blogs. Your take on the incident is distinctly different that what Bloviating Zeppelin calls American Media Maggots.

  3. It's sad when the churches are apostate. But sadly many are now.

  4. Ed, words fail. Well, maybe they don't but I can't print them.

  5. That, LL, is an excellent point. They're not, officially but you know what the good book syas, "by their fruit ye shall know them." I won't go further.

  6. BZ makes a point and a good one, WSF. At this stage in the game, why does anyone watch/read the MSM? For goodness sake, all this stuff is open source, mostly. So why check in and PAY for MillSoc agitprop garbage?

    Beats me.

  7. I'm waiting patiently (okay - not patient at all) for the Covington Diocese to stick up for those boys. This whole thing is a travesty. I'm so mad I could spit bullets. When I wasn't thinking about beef stew at Mass this morning, I was thinking about those boys. It was a heavily distracted type of morning. I hope God forgives me...

  8. The MSM and Twittering classes: Facts do not matter.

    The Covington boys: Make Catholicism Great Again!

    Pontiff, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops take note. The Covington boys are coming for your jobs.

    Deus Vult.

  9. Remember what our Lord said about the lukewarm and about false prophets. Judgment is coming -- in the Lord's own time.

  10. Most of our bishops unfortunately have no balls. Whether they ever had them or they dropped off when they started wearing the purple remains to be seen.

  11. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, whoever “even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor” is guilty of rash judgment, and whoever, “by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them” is guilty of calumny.

    Sadly this is from Breitbart news

  12. I don't blame you, Adrienne, got me angry too. I came late to the story and what a tale it is. I'd like to say you can't make this stuff up but it's all too sadly predictable. The DoC better apologize. Good luck with that.

  13. Infidel, we have to ask how many of them are controlled by creatures from another dimension. Don't say McCarrick. Then there's Justsin Welby, governed by some kind of beta ET?

  14. Thanks for the CCC, Egyptian. Helpful.

  15. Makes me sooo mad what the media and the church are doing to these kids. Wrong in so many ways, and against everything the church is supposed to stand for.

  16. Brig, I totally agree. It's despicable.
