Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone Arrested

In a daring predawn raid against a 66 year old man, heavily armed FBI agents arrested Roger Stone in the latest phase of Mueller's ongoing  Russian collusion investigation. 

Following his release on bail, Stone made the following statement:

This morning at the crack of dawn, 29 F.B.I. agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles with their lights flashing, when they could simply have contacted my attorneys and I would have been more than willing to surrender voluntarily.
They terrorized my wife, my dogs. I was taken to the F.B.I. facility, although I must say the F.B.I. agents were extraordinarily courteous. I will plead not guilty to these charges. I will defeat them in court. I believe this is a politically motivated investigation.
I am troubled by the political motivations of the prosecutors, and as I have said previously, there is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself. I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated.

Stone's been indicted on 7 charges, including obstruction of justice and making false statements. He has not been charged with colluding with the Kremlin or "trafficking" materials to a "hostile foreign power."

In other words, Mueller's investigation has yet again failed to produce any evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion, despite two years worth of trying and millions of dollars spent in the effort. But it has, yet again, persecuted someone in the process of the investigation itself.

And it's a very real persecution, dawn raid Stasi style, to say nothing of the bankrupting cost of defending yourself against the Deep State machine. Stone fears, understandably, that he might find himself at the bottom of the American gulag archipelago.

In the meanwhile, the actors behind Uranium One, fraudulent FISA warrants, disappearing Strozk/Page texts, Fusion GPS, bleachbit, Benghazi, missing emails by the thousand, smashing Blackberries and on, go unpunished.

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Podestas, Hillary and the rest of the crew are all at liberty. No 6 am knock on the door for them.

So what are we, some kind of banana republic? 

You be the judge,



  1. I have to believe that these criminals such as Hillary, her ball-n-chain, Comey, McCabe and all the rest of their Deep State buddies will eventually get theirs.

    I know it's an eastern thing, but karma has a way of showing up, sooner or later.

    And when it does, they will get what's coming to them.

  2. Banana republic? Yes. The law now does not apply to our Democratic masters.

    So laugh now monkey boys while we silently seethe. Soon the kettle will explode. And when that happens it will not be pleasant for any of us.

  3. From a deputy.

    Whoeve directed the FBI to make this arrest is despicable.

  4. Fredd, I sure hope that's sooner than later.

  5. Smart people are cleaning weapons and loading mags, Infidel. And learning to ride, if they don't already know how.

  6. FBI still very much swamp central. Can't say any of the other intel or DOJ offices are any better. Sad situation.

  7. That's putting it politely, Kid.
