Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Hadrian IV The English Pope

England, once known as Mary's Dowry for its devotion to Our Lady and catholic spirit, has produced one Pope. Born Nicholas Brakespear, Adrian or Hadrian IV became the Vicar of Christ on December 4th, 1154, so today's his anniversary.

Adrian came from Hertfordshire and entered the religious life in France where he was known as a formidable disciplinarian. I'm no expert, but I reckon the papacy could do with a bit of that right about now.

You can read all about him on the annoying Wikipedia, have a look. Thanks, Mr. Wolf, for the heads up.

Ubi Petrus,



  1. For obvious reasons I rather like Adrian.

  2. I suspect that he'd beat the tar out of the current pontiff with his shepherd's crook.

  3. #MeToo, Adrienne.

    Good man that Breakspear.

  4. I get that feeling too, LL.

    Thanks for the tip.

  5. As the Irish are found of saying, "Wasn't it a Pope who gave Ireland to the English."

    "Yes. But it was an English Pope."
