Saturday, December 15, 2018

Church of England Gets Trans Baptism Ritual

As all the world knows, the venerable if shrinking CofE's finally stepped up to the plate and decided to celebrate, bless and affirm transsexuals in a special new naming ritual taken from the Affirmation of Baptismal Faith (ABF).

The new trans worship ceremony's like a Baptism that isn't a Baptism and includes, if High Church desired, anointing with oil, a splash of water and, of course, prayers and a blessing. 

Point being, don't feel like a blasphemous parody of a man or a women. Instead, celebrate your new identity; choice of personal pronoun? Rigorously observed. Such is freedom from tyranny in the 21st Century.

Imagine, just like women's ordination, how this prophetic stance will fill the pews. Until it doesn't. And we have to ask, how many "thought leaders" in the Promethean attempt to overthrow the chains of DNA, Chromosomes and biology itself are ritual occultists? 

To what extent is the decision making body of the Church of England given over to the Adversary. Does that sound extreme, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law?

To help you formulate an answer, here's a picture of Bruce Jenner. If you want to read about the Church of England's new Strategy For Mission, go here.

All means all,



  1. Gosh, how is all that working out for the Scouts? I hear that some of the new merit badges are very "colorful". That is, if there is anyone left to actually wear them after their bankruptcy.

  2. Gah!

    We are living in the age of inversionism. Or something.

    If superior-intelligence aliens in outer space are watching us, they must think that we've taken leave of our senses!

  3. Reading that, I'm somewhat comforted to be a heathen.

  4. During the middle ages, they had a witch test. It wasn't baptism, but they put them in and kept them down. Maybe it's a solution to the whole tranny baptism issue? I'm not in a position to dictate the cannon of correctness, however, it would tend to reduce the number of trannys in any congregation.

  5. The UK is on a suicide mission. I read today that England wants to reduce islamic migration by 80 %. Yea, that'll work ! There are enough of them there already to breed out England in 10 or 20 years. Probably sooner.

    As far as the trannies and all flavor thereof - these people are only interested in bringing in as much new blood to their homosexual adventures as possible. They don't care about anything other than homo sex and as much of it they can get.

    Also LGBTQ = Let's Get Behind Trump Quickly !

  6. I was never a Scout, RHT. Now it seems no one else will be either, much. Baden Powell must be revolving in his proto Sam Browne. Everything the libs touch turns to...

  7. Always on Watch, you make an excellent point. But have the space aliens taken over?

  8. WSF, it's a moot point. How many bishops in the CofE are... heathen?

  9. What I like about that comment, LL, is that it's supremely practical.


  10. Kid, how did the West get so transgay so quickly? It's like one moment we were normal then everything turned into a vast Pride Parade. Weird. And I'd be surprised if the Moslem thing didn't end in tears, theirs. Europe has a history that's not so very far below the surface and perhaps a Martel is waiting in the wings.

    But hey, good demographics/Mark Steyn point AND a handy acronym.

  11. LSP, The homos have always been there. Barry Soetoro brought them to the forefront and told them they are somehow more important than the rest of us. Ditto every micro-minority in America.

    Slovakia has declared islam illegal. That is the only thing that will work, Isn't it weird how the libtards support the islamics who actually remove a woman's clitoris (FGM) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Abuse the women and F Trump !

    It's gone beyond conversation and I think that's where they want it.

  12. And ---------- now we have the 11 yo cross dressing little boy sexily dancing at a sleazy gay bar while grown men throw dollar bills at him. I kid you not! He's the same kid who was in the gay pride parade when he was 8 yo.

  13. Kid, I totally agree. And I have to say, the lib project's become insane. Who or what drove them to that? Terrifying question.

  14. Adrienne, I know. It's... beyond. And I'm no prude.
