Monday, November 5, 2018

Raise The House!

Well, the porch anyway. You see, the problem with wooden houses is that the wood can get eaten away by termites and ants. 

For that matter, if it's not looked after it'll rot and then you'll wake up to discover your historic Texan house is an historic Texan ruin. So the Compound's HQ got a respray and I think it looks sharp, but there was a problem. 

The painting crew discovered a supporting beam beneath the porch had pretty much returned to the soil. The porch looked fine but it wasn't, it was an illusion.

The crew turned up in the cold grey mask of morning to put the mirror of illusion right. That meant jacking up the porch, taking out the rotten beam and replacing it. Next step?

Finish painting the porch and then stand back and thank God for His mercy.

Gun rights,




  1. Amen.
    We have similar problems here. Just need to save the money; and always thank God for the house around us. :-)

  2. Is that a steel I-beam they're installing?

  3. So many things to love in these pictures. Your beautiful house (I'm jealous), a man on his knees (the way it should be!), and Blue Instigator looking his crazy best. Oh gosh, how well I remember you shrieking, "The dog isn't staying!" Bwwwwwwaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

    Happy day before voting day, LSP God bless you...

  4. Glad they caught that, it could have been ugly!

  5. What a change! I may have to visit the compound to personally see what has been done. Can the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irregular) stand a white glove inspection? Are the rifles perfect? Are the saddles, tack and mounts in pristine condition? Is there rust on the sabers? I would expect not, but you never know. The compound itself reflects great credit on the Commandant.

  6. Good to see the dog on the job supervising.

  7. Didn't I see you on an episode of Fixer Upper?

  8. It wasn't too pricey, Linda, thank God. But for sure, thank the Lord for a roof over the head.

  9. Wish it was, drjim. Just wood but they are reinforcing the pillars. These, weirdly, are hollow and simply rested on the porch deck. They were "born that way," which surprised me. So, when the deck's front support beam rotted out, the pillars sank.

    That changes in the renovation, with supports under the pillars resting on concrete.

  10. Well remembered, Adrienne! He wasn't going to stay but then he did... the furhead. And for sure, the house is good and better now with the facelift. But reflect on this, I'm the first priest to live in it for ages. No kidding. The others didn't want to, they didn't like it. They lived in a little bungalow, ahem, ranch house somewhere else.

    I tell you, what are these clergy like? Well, I know but I won't say anything. And will pass your regards on to the builder (who's started coming to Mass, great result).


  11. Too right, NFO. I can imagine the porch collapsing in the midst of prepping a sermon, cleaning a gun, morning prayer, a reflective glass of the right stuff or whatever. Disaster. Now it'll be good for the next evolution.

  12. LL, I think it's important that you visit. They respect the CO but FEAR the RHSM, and that's no bad thing.

    So swing by when you can, I think you'll enjoy the upgrade.

    Lock her up.

  13. Infidel, "Chip" and "Joanna" see this as some kind of threat. I tell them, "Look, calm down, relax. You have it good, you have the Silos and Magnolia. I have the Compound, plenty of room." Then we sit down and have a drink and plan SxS (side by side) marketing strategy. All is well. Or is it?!?

    Seriously, those two are coining it off THE SILOS (look it up). I think we can come up with a better solution.

    On another theme, your friend Moby's threatening to move to Canada. Chop, chop.
